I’m not that concerned about it. I think it’s petty to remove sevrices that reach tens of millions of americans to install friendly outlets who reach much fewer, but whatever.
Mainly I’m just arguing that it makes sesne to have these offices in a building as large as the pentagon so as to facilitate news coverage.
I don’t think people without security clearance should be looking at classified information.
I think it’s a huge mistake to blanket stop foreign aid - going to result in much of the world rushing into the arms of China who has promised to pick up the slack.
I don’t think blanket buyouts are smart. IE trying to reduce the number of ATCers…
Biden has ALL the clasik signs of Dementia.
The way he walks, talks and screams at people.
His facial expression and look in his eyes too.
It’s NOT a rare illness so people are generaly able to spot it right away.
Provided the’re NOT hell bent on hiding it.
So…I will not be generous and say the Left and the Media are stupid. No Sir.
They’re corrupt and don’t care about We The People.
ALL they care about is power and keys to the till/treasury.
Look at them now moaning and proffesing the fight,
they care nothing about governing just control and spending like a drunken saylor.