Financial Times: "Radical libertarian Javier Milei elected president of Argentina"

Well except that the hyperinflation ended long before the wars.

Inflation there was 9% in 1925 and stayed below 5% right until the world went in deflationary depression.

Perhaps it is the run up to the wars?

It’s a symptom. I think wars is just one possible outcome. Plus we don’t have like only 2 centuries of monetary policy to guess. Makes it harder.

You seem to have lost track of the story.

German hyperinflation ended in the mid1920s
Then 5 years later the great depression hit.
The came Hitler, the war etc…

A key part of how they got rid of hyperinflation was to begin denominating contracts (including wages and loans) in commodities including gold.

I don’t think thats a lost track at all. Wars are lead up to by a confluence of events. Even if not wars then def unrest

There is a 90s sim cities or Caesar III joke in there somewhere but i will leave that alone for the sake of a good conversation :blush:

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My point is simply that “Hitler came to power” happened 7-8 years after hyperinflation ended, the war almost 15 years after. Thus neither Hitler nor the war is what ended the hyperinflation.

russia. 58%.

but i hear putin is popular with russians.

if the US ever had 58% inflation rate.

there would be massive upheaval.

Americans would not tolerate when russians do.

the POTUS (whoever they were, would be a goner)


It’s a little more complicated than that but this isn’t a history class so i will leave it alone

The rise of the third reich covers it pretty well.

But again hyperinflation is a symptom

Russia’s official inflation rate is 6.9%.
It is calculated the normal way an therefore is “accurate” only if one ignores the unavailability of certain items due to sanctions from the west, internal bans & quotas etc. from Russia itself.

For example, certain designer clothes and Iphones, Ikea furniture etc. are no officially no longer available in Russia.—> Thus zero impact on CPI.
In fact they are available on the black market but at much higher prices —> Thus the 58% Hanke inflation rate.

Meh, its a crude tool, but it’s the only one we have.

There is a common misconception that Germany experienced hyperinflation 100% of all years from shortly after WW1 until either a.) Hitler cam to power or b.) WW2 started.

Neither is the case. Neither is true.

In fact while the German economy had all sorts of problems recovering from the war and paying reparations, hyperinflation there was a brief, superharsh 5-6 year phenomenon (roughly 1920-1925.)

How did they end hyperinflation? It took several things, but a big part of it was (temporarily) denominating contracts in commodities.

Yes there is that common misconception that is very true.

But you are missing the point. Not sure why.

Hyperinflation is a symptom of a bigger problem

The economy didn’t simply stabilize there after hyperinflation ended. It did for a be re brief time right before the Great Depression struck.

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It is certainly true that inflation (including hyperinflation) is a result of other things.

Added hours later:
One popular way to look at it (and this way of looking at it deserves at least some merit) is that when an economy is in trouble authorities have a choice between turning the problem into a.) an inflation problem or b.) a deflation/unemployment problem
-and that-
if they lean too far in either direction they a monster, a death spiral, a “run on the bank” that makes the problem much worse.

In that not-incorrect view “Hyperinflation” is the death spiral that happens when the government leans too far to one side. So ending the death spiral therefore is a good thing. It returns the country to having “just” the original problems.

Might wanna put the drink down to keep it in mint condition.

A true libertarian is way to the right on economic issues, and way to the left on social issues.

can you believe he’s going to undo what’s been working so well ?

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I don’t believe that he will.

Do you believe that he will?

Can you provide an example please?

A more likely scenario is that China will offer to enter talks with Argentina to provide reserves (loans) to help them stabilize their currency.

I’m pretty certain every true currency begins the same way:
A central bank, private bank or warehouse etc. has something of value in storage and issues paper ownership certificates for it.

And then . . . .

yes i think there’s a good chance he will undo the runaway ruinous corrupt leftist policies that ignorant leftists cling to for their own enrichment

but we’ll see. i don’t put all my hopes and faiths in mommy govt to fix all the problems they caused like leftists do.

we’ll just have to see how liberal he really claims to be

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