Finally, Who is the anomaly?

It’s good to see that Victor Hanson still says idiotic things and it is received as being smart.

Telling people what they want to hear must be easy.

And there’s really no doubt about it.

Heck, even Obamacare is tame - a free market approach modeled after GOP Rmoney care and following the same Heritage Foundation blue print.

Sequestration, no indictments of those responsible for the crash, continuation of Iraq on Bush’s time table, continuation of Afg…

Really, what did he do that was so radical left?

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I’m not familiar with him. What other dumb ■■■■ has he said.

Besides appointing conservative judges, what has trump done that is so far right?

He’s rejecting free trade, he’s sending billions in bailouts to farmers, he has pledged not to cut SS or MC, has blown up the deficit, added 1.9T over ten years to the debt from the tax cuts alone…cozied up to Putin, disparaged our law enforcement agency and intel. agency, cheated on his wife, and lies about 14 times a day.

Is that ‘right’ politically?

As far left that the Democrats keep pushing and pushing this country, they will only keep pushing it until the have a one party system, and Socialism controls this country.
So I would say that Trump has to be an anomaly. Who else on the Republican side could have done what he’s doing? Nobody.

Your normal boilerplate stuff.

I first became aware of him during the Henry Louis Gates kerfuffle when he wrote a think piece that basically said that the REAL issue that should be discussed is why African Americans commit crimes at a higher rate… not that Gates shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place.

That being said… he does have some well thought ideas sometimes. I read one of his books on ancient warfare and it was good. He isn’t dumb… but I think that he has an intentional blindness when it comes to some areas of politics.

Clearly Obama is the anomaly… but not solely because of his politics. There was a correction, but not because of Obama’s politics.

Wanna guess what makes him and anomaly :joy:

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It was not that long of a read actually, and he did a good job of recounting the last decade.

I think Obama’s plan was to weed out the blue collar Reagan Democrats and replace them with liberal, socialist progressives. This lost the dems many elected seats in state legislators and governorship.

The problem is, the people don’t really like Obama’s new angry far-left Democratic Party.

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His ability to bring conservative racists out from under their rocks like we haven’t seen since the 60’s? :laughing:

We’re lucky that Trump has actually made the Democratic party relatively popular again, if the generic congressional ballot is any indication, and it surely is.

Couldn’t agree more. So was Obama.

You think you’re more intelligent about politics than he is?

Every time you use this line of argument it ends up being kind of stupid.

I thought that you would abandon such rhetorical tactics instead of accelerating its use.

Oh well.

You said he says idiotic things. Do you know more about it than he does? Or are you a expertise killer because of bias?

He has certain experitse.

That doesn’t make him immune from saying idiotic things.

What went wrong with Democrats was back in 1990 the 3rd way took over the party. This was a group of people that could not make it in the GOP so conned their way into the Dem party and turned the Dem party into GOP-lite while ignoring the base voters for last 40 years. This has shift US politics to the right and now we have far-right being considered normal, yet idiots think Obama and Clinton are some far right lefty communists. Those two love money as much as the idiot POTUS does and pass laws helping the rich while other idiots support them.

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:rofl: I thought so. Here’s a tip, just because you disagree with someone doesn’t make their point of view idiotic.

You might want to look at his resume.

Oh and he’s a democrat. He probably knows what he’s talking about.

Keep on beating that drum… it might play a tune one day.

He can probably spell “expertise” correctly as well.
