Federal judge blocks new asylum rules

Sure, that’s one argument used. Personally, the much more compelling argument is the constitutional ones regarding due process and anti-commandeering.

The Argument. Glad we could agree. And with the BLM type emotions, it is obvious confidence in law enforcement is low. Hell, I have none myself.

Then arrest them.

so ICE will arrest them for illegal entering, then they will apple for asylum before a judge.

You think the SCOTUS is going to overthrow this, the law is crystal clear.

Maybe this is why. Where do you see Canada in there?

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are as follows (latest of 2017):[41]

|Country of origin |Raw number |Percent of total|
|Mexico |6,640,000 |55%|
|El Salvador |700,000 |6%|
|Guatemala |640,000 |5%|
|India |430,000 |4%|
|Honduras |400,000 |3%|

There’s really no way an asylum-seeker CAN do so illegally, as per the law as written.

You can’t throw them back across the border refuse them a judicial hearing that is the point, no one here or in congress is suggesting that ICE shouldn’t arrest people who cross illegally.

…but “we” can waste kazillions and tie up courts over blatant abuse of what’s portrayed as asylum.

That whole due process thing is a double edge sword.

Damn…this night before Thanksgiving…we found common ground.

Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian friend.

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Thanksgiving is in October, silly Americans.

Change the law, then.

Until then, the President can’t unilaterally decide who’s abusing the system or take unilateral action to tamp down asylum claims.

And as a conservative you should be leery of a President abusing his power that way.

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Hey, look at the bright side. Trump has emboldened the “small government” and “law and order” and “follow the constitution” segments of the republican party to show us all that they were always liars and fakes.

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May I suggest Stubs BBQ sauce for that crow libs?

That and plenty of salt and pepper will make your crow all that much enjoyable.

In a major win for the Trump administration, the Supreme Court issued an order late Wednesday ending all injunctions that had blocked the White House’s ban on asylum for anyone trying to enter the U.S. by traveling through a third country, such as Mexico, without seeking protection there.

Yum yum…bi chewing thou.

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I recommend a whiskey based BBQ sauce, heavy on the whiskey.

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President Trump said he disagreed with the judge’s ruling, and the idea of single federal judges issuing nationwide injunctions in general – a phenomenon that has exploded under his administration.


Now, the admin needs to handle this carefully and correctly. Do it right for once.

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Definitely a win for trump, but this ruling doesn’t touch the ultimate merits of the case. Just reverses an injunction, which is extremely difficult to obtain in the first place.


The SC just slapped the judge down. :+1::rofl:


Who’s track record? :rofl: