Federal Court Dismisses Brady/Mexico Lawsuit Against the U.S. Gun Industry

This was pretty much a slam dunk. The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act was specifically designed to stop such “shake down” lawsuits, whether by individuals or foreign states.

The gun industry should be not be liable for the illegal use of their products.

Just as the Ford Motor Company should not be liable if somebody chooses to use a Ford truck to deliberately run over people in a public area.




yes dog




It was stupid from the get/go and a shame it represents the mindset of many among us.


They never expected to win. It was a move intended to cost the gun manufacturers millions of dollars defending themselves … with the hope of putting them out if business.

And it’s not over …

"Despite the thoroughgoing repudiation of their efforts, the plaintiffs have indicated they are not backing down from their determination to wring billions of dollars out of U.S. businesses for problems Mexican officials themselves have largely enabled by their own corruption and incompetence. The ink was barely dry on Judge Saylor’s opinion before Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced that an appeal was forthcoming and that the country’s next lawsuit against U.S. gun companies would be filed in Arizona.

Your NRA will be closely following developments in these cases and will continue working to ensure the businesses that make a robust Second Amendment possible don’t become targets of problematic foreign regimes looking to shift blame and fill their own coffers with extorted American dollars."

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