Favorite and Least Favorite films

A few other goodies with Director Mira Nair and Sarita Choudhury, whose really beautiful:

Kama Sutra, based on the famous written work of the same title,

Mississippi Masala, the experience of an African immigrant in Mississippi, and

Ms. Choudhury was also great in “A Perfect Murder”, based on the French film “Diabolique”, another goody.

On the plus and minus side

To Live and Die in L A was a bore

Fell asleep in the middle.

But it had a 5 star :star2: soundtrack.

Very underrated movie.

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Yes- Crossing Delancey is a wonderful movie.

“That Thing You Do”…is a great movie. The star reminds me of a young Tom Hanks. And love the jazz jam at the end…

[quote=“Scratch, post:45, topic:223461, full:true”]
“That Thing You Do”…is a great movie. The star reminds me of a young Tom Hanks. And love the jazz jam at the end…

[/Also a really wonderful score that perfectly catches different music styles of the 60s.
And Steve Zahn is always funny. And a young Charlize Theron.

I got married on those steps, last summer.




WOW. That’s cool!

Late entry: Dave

The best movie of all times: Casablanca

And why anyone thinks that Citizen Cain is even a good movie is beyond me.

Casablanca is a great movie. I have it in for Bogart because he hated Audrey Hepburn and let her know it. She’s my favorite actress.

I’ve never figured out the appeal of Citizen Kane. I’d rather watch paint dry for a couple of hours.

Favorite: A Clockwork Orange

Least Favorite: The Passion of Christ

Did you enjoy it or no?

I remember it in bits & pieces.

I’m always nutty about Frank Langella, think he played the Chief of Staff.

I have several favorite movies one of them that rank up there is tombstone.

My least favorite any Michael moore docupoperas.

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Yes- Dave was great. Right- Frank Langella was a very bad guy. Sigourney Weaver as First Lady, Ving Rhames as the SS agent- all around great cast. Oh and a very young Laura Linney as the real president’s love interest.

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BenHur with Charlton Heston. greatest film of all time.
Dr. Zhivago. 2nd place.
Lolita by Stanley Kubrick
Eyes Wide Shut -
Dr. Strangelove
Spartacus. -
2001:A Space Odyssey
Anything by Kubrick, Lean, Wyler,
Coppola Apocalypse Now and Godfather1 & 2
The Birds
Twin Peaks return and David Lynch movies.

The list of ones I don’t like would be huge
The only film that I think off as worst film, was a great film, but had the most horrid moments ever, was “Antichrist” It was over the top.

Favorite: Tombstone and Miracle are two of mine (along with most superhero movies).

Least favorite: Mask 2 was unwatchable.

I didn’t even know Mask 2 was made.

Tired of sequels; in the instance of Spiderman, there was even a remake of Spiderman 2.:exploding_head:

Gonna add the Original Spiderman 2 to the favorites list. If you saw that film, do you remember the actor at the beginning who fired Peter Parker?

Well, that actor, Aasif Mandvi, ne Mandviwala, was a classmate of mine in Tampa, Florida. He played Biff Loman in a stage production of Death of a Salesman. He was a very nice guy.

Seems like any time someone tells me I MUST see a particular film, it’s fall asleep in the theater boring.

Anyone remember Black Widow, with Theresa Russell & Debra Winger? In one scene, the love interest has a bracelet that shows Penicillin allergy. So guess what the Black Widow puts in his toothpaste? :roll_eyes::sleeping:

When Harry Met Sally, IMO, was another stinker.