Fascism, or just bad politics?

A sitting POTUS using a Federal Department, to spread false claims, about a fictional terrorist group to bolster chances of winning in next election.

Is this fascism, or just slimy politics?


This is too funny…


From the article…

The DHS report, finalized more than a year ago, includes descriptions of orders handed down to “senior leadership” instructing them to broadly apply the label “violent antifa anarchists inspired” to Portland protesters unless they had intel showing “something different.”

Once the dossiers were received by the agency’s emerging threat center, it became clear that DHS had no real way to tie the protesters to any terrorist activities, neither at home nor abroad. Efforts to drum up evidence to support the administration’s claim that a “larger network was directing or financing” the protesters — a task assigned to another unit, known as the Homeland Identities, Targeting and Exploitation Center, diverted away from its usual work of analyzing national security threats — “did not find any evidence that assertion was true,” the report says.

Irony considering the report on the FBI just released by Republicans includes a section of how the FBI is falsifying records to create the illusion that right wing domestic terrorism, as they call it, is much greater than it really is.

And this antifa/Democrat tendency to label everything you don’t agree with as fascist is getting really boring.


where is this report?

That’s why I had to laugh…seems to me DHS is making up stuff and left-wing rag yahoo ran with it.


you’re right, there is no way to find out who these violent protesters are



I can’t see that tweet…what does it say?

Well the Mayorkas DHS has and continues to assert the southern border has been and is now “secure”.
Try not to laugh too hard, it could reveal a bladder issue. :rofl:


The extra special stupid of those who riot and loot in their own community, destroying the businesses and jobs that they and their neighbors depend on for places to shop and work.


Hook, line, sinker. :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Homeland Security Admits It Tried to Manufacture Fake Terrorists for Trump

Who? Who in Homeland Security? Is this a crime? If so, have they been charged? If not, why not? Is this more of the political establishment that attempted to take Trump down for four years and failed? Is this more Russian collusion, illusion for the lib delusionalists out there? Is this just more lies? Is it another Mueller investigation? How about another failed impeachment…one or two? Is it to negatively affect the election outcome for Republicans in an effort to help Democrats? I swear…listening to sheople regurgibleat the nonsense they’ve been fed really is getting old. There are some here in Hannity Land, that I’d have concluded were better than that?

Here is an example of the integrity of Homeland Security. They intend to control what you hear…period. It isn’t about the truth. It’s about what they want you to hear…PERIOD. They are dangerous and the OP proves, it’s working on the sheople among us.


It’s Gizmodo, a lefty tech blog, and not Yahoo. Yahoo is just republishing.