Fall of the Roman Empire and the US

What in the

All empires have one thing in common they all ended up falling. We have been watching the EU slowly disintegrate as well as the U.S. for awhile now as the political divide keeps growing.

It would be much more stable imho if states did what they supposed to and govern and the federal government concentrated on foreign policy. Numerous examples can be seen if Oregon doesnā€™t want offshore drilling off their coast well then Alaska canā€™t have it either, if Kansas wants to prohibit abortion and California doesnā€™t well then Kansas can shove it. For whatever reason the country decided to give all the power to the federal government and the simple fact is what is good for one state isnā€™t good for another.

We are more split than anytime in history not my words, and all I basically hear from either side is we are going to stick it to them, of course that lasts about two years and we shuffle things up and start all over. I could list many things that I think help bring about the demise of the nation but at this point unless Biden does something spectacular to bring people together I just donā€™t see it getting any better.

The first Emperor of Rome was Augustus ā€¦ nearly 17 years after the death of Julius Caesar.

ā€¦and today, that would be Pelosi. Just ask her, when her mouth isnā€™t full of chocolate ice cream.

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I hear tsar sounds like cesar

Octavian was one of the most evil people ever in history. Torture & oppression was his pleasure & entertainment.

Sounds familiarā€¦we are importing cheap labor for slave wages & keeping overall wages down ala the Chamber of commerce, RINOā€™s, & the democratic partyā€™s illegal immigration who serves big business. If they really cared about those people they would give them green cards before they leave Mexico & allow them to come here without having their women & children raped, trafficked, & their men slaves. 60,000 SLAVES inside the US due to illegal immigration & NOBODY cares except those who want to stop it.

Kaiser too.

And one of the Popeā€™s official titles, Pontifex Maximus, was carried by the Roman Emperors.

Was Crassus defending Rome in Parthia?

According to the Romans? Yes.

Well, not really. The Gracchi and Q Varius Severus - and later, Marius - were addressing real problens created by tribal allocation, Optimate policy, and Roman treatment of the Socii.

By the standards of that time he wasnā€™t that bad.

Several of the emperors who came after him were way, way worse.

Unprovoked and they all knew it. They even tried to stop him.

Is that what is carved on his tombstone? :smile:

The notion of a president ā€œbring people togetherā€ is so overblown and unrealistic. Name one president in modern times who accomplished such a thing? Furthermore most Americans are intermingled with people who politically are like them. Also politics is such a divisive issue itā€™s not something most people like to talk about with others. Think about it, how much does ones important relationships change based on whoā€™s ass is in the White House? Regarding politicians bringing people together, thatā€™s a joke. These people are nothing special and thereā€™s nothing they do that most of us canā€™t do.

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