Exposed: Leftists Sheppard Smith and Bret Baier plotted out oust Judge Jeanine from Fox News 🚨🚨

Bowing at the altar of Trump automatically gets you the “leftist” tag.

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Sad to say, it is not. #Not.A.Cult

Says who?

#Not.A.Cult. For sure.

From what little I’ve seen from Jeanine, it’s not common sense.

Unlike Kavanaugh!


Peddling hate on Fox News is not just common sense, it’s great business.

Well, it is gateway pundit…

Then accuse the the left of requiring lockstep thinking…

Funny OP!

Keep up the good work!

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This isn’t a game children (4 months older than POTUS allows use of that moniker). This is it ! It’s been talked about and written about for not just hundreds but thousands of years. Yes, let’s keep our perspective focused. Millions is just a science fiction stretch for the benefit (?) of those who refuse to believe the truth, or for those who God has chosen to keep in blindness, for even their father believes in God and knows He is real, Satan just refuses to submit to the higher power of his creator !
This is God, our Creator, bringing this current earth age to His prophesied conclusion !
The prophesies about this time have been long recorded, from the books of Genesis through Revelations. And the accuracy’s of these prophesies and writings have been remarkably and incredibly precise in a way that only the power of God’s Spirit speaking through His prophets and prophetesses could have brought about !
We have been told by God through his prophets that in the end times He is going to allow a world wide government to come to pass with the exceptions of a few countries, and that it will be ruled over by the “anti-christ” the opposite of Jesus the Christ(the anointed one of God). He will be given supernatural powers by his father, the devil, so that the majority of the people on the earth will be deceived by him and worship him.
Our esteemed president seems to have been on a life-long journey of trying to prove something to himself. (possibly that his German father was wrong in judging him to be incorrigible and sending him off away from home to a military school at a young age.) German fathers can be unbending and strict. As my Irish mother used to say to my German father, “you damn German’s, all you ever want to do is fight”. Ironically after dad’s only brother served as a dispatch carrier on horseback with General Pershing during WWI he became a chief law enforcement officer. Whereas my mother’s three Irish brothers became frequent clients of law enforcement.
Donald’s need to prove something to himself has placed him right into the middle of the end time battle between God and the Devil. Instead of satisfying his need to overcome the hit his ego took from his father’s harsh judgement at an early age, God has allowed him to be hit from all sides in what he probably thought would be the ultimate stroking of his emotional wounds. We have to be brought to our knees by God before we can be lifted up by Him without being eternally wounded by that lifting up. In Donald’s struggle God has placed some spiritual helpers around him including a couple of prophetesses. I believe one is the judge, and the other one he recently called a “wacky nut job”. He believes he has grown to be expert in weeding out the wheat from the chaff of the individuals around him. God has withheld some surprises for him in that department so that when he is in heaven with the rest of us, he also will not be able to boast of anything!
The Lord said, “anyone who loves mother or father or son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me”. Gospel of Matthew chapter 10, verse 37. And He said, “a man’s enemies will be they of his own household”. Matthew chapter 10, verse 36.

just a messenger, and a witness

These people will never learn. The dems won’t go there because they are afraid of real questions with followups. So, Bret and his band of the fox Trump haters can throw the entire network under the bus and it won’t matter.


Naaah, I don’t think God is all that invested in nasty corrupt Dumpster Donnie.


“Common sense patriot” might be my favorite new conservative moniker.

It certainly ranks up there with “stable genius,” which will be nearly impossible to top.

I second “stable genius” as the top but also appreciate the “common sense patriot”. I hope they keep them coming!

If Prez Trump is a racist, why has he made the effort (and succeeded) to improve the lives of many minorities with jobs?

Think about what you just wrote, for a couple of minutes.


Starting to notice a pattern with journalists on fox always getting accused of being leftist. Wallace gets it too.

Shows the incredible power of a generation of rightwing propaganda.

Seriously. Many Fox viewers have been so completely bamboozled for so long now, so far down the rabbit hole, that there’s no retrieving them. Their delusions are built on foundations of misinformation.

You are obviously a CNN viewer who has gone so far down the rabbit hole, that you are irretrievable. Your delusions are built on foundations of flat out lies! The leftists always seem to project onto their opponents that which they themselves are guilty of. Nice try though.

It’s the same “love it or leave it” mentality. If you ever criticize Trump you should leave Fox News. Trump wants praise. Trump’s supporters want to watch people praise him.