Exposed: Leftists Sheppard Smith and Bret Baier plotted out oust Judge Jeanine from Fox News 🚨🚨

I agree that “people of color” can be racist.

But the left doesn’t.

The POTUS cannot repeal a constitutional amendment.

The SCOTUS cannot repeal a constitutional amendment.

Therefore the election of Donald Trump over Hilary Clinton did nothing to “save” the 1A, so this post is another fail.

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I think what they are trying to say is “non Caucasians”. Just say it.

Thst simply isn’t true. Unless you can post a link from a legitimate source that the entirity of “the left” believe this, its another bogus talking point and another failed post.

I have no problems with that term.

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It makes me laugh all the time.

So much drama over so little import.

The term “people of color” means whoever isn’t white, now.

Not White is what I meant.

Not “non-Caucasians”.

I’m starting to get a sense of what sort of person follows GatewayPundit despite it being wrong over and over and over again. Some people cannot help themselves from going back to the same poisoned well if it offers what they want to hear. And clearly they have no shame when their source is proven wrong.

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Glad to know I wasn’t the only one! :laughing:

You are deeply disturbed, my friend.

Seek help now!


I literally laughed out loud at this part right here…“We hope that Tucker, Sean and other voices of reason can remain on the airwaves. They are all badly needed voices”, especially the voices of reason part.

The OP mad because Sheppard Smith is probably one of the few on FoxNews that is not the President’s lap dog. How you going to be mad because someone is actually telling the truth?!?!?!

A lot of the ops lately seem reminiscent of The Onion.

Thomas Paine is rolling over in his grave right about now.

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Smith is the “balance” in Fox’s slogan.

I am wondering how Baier and Smith are able to wield so much power over Fox Executives.

I was already laughing because right before those words was a link to a Gateway Pundit article.

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You know…them moooslums…they’re terrorists.

Welp, Drudge would have their red flashing light for a “breaking” story which ended up something like “Someone in Peru mentioned that Obama’s wife wasn’t very smart” which turned into the 128 size font headline “Moochelle Obummer is really dumb according to reliable source”