Ex-Obama White house Councel indicted for false statements

I gotta ask again. How do you get from this:

To this:

Is this some inside reference because otherwise I’m left wondering if your post makes any sense. In this context.

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Someone who left the obama administration committed a crime afterward…

Someone who committed a crime joined the trump administration afterward… and often kept committing crimes…

I can see why trump supporters would try to equaye the two…


Only the best people.

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Before, during and after.


Anybody this close to obama, then obamas hands are dirty as well. That is if we go by what we are told about trump.

Maybe it was a rhetorical question.

Poster said the charges against Obama’s white house counsel came after he worked for Obama. So did the lying to investigators.

Manafort charges stem for work when not affiliated with Trump and the lying to investigators after he no longer worked for Trump.

See the connection between the two.

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And none of them associated with the Trump campaign or Trump correct? Or at least not charged with.

Thanks for finally admitting that this has nothing to do with Obama and you’re just playing partisan games.


Manafort began his tax fraud in 2006. He never worked in the Trump administration and only worked on Trump’s campaign for a few months. And yet some people are always trying to associated what he did with Trump. But I’m sure you objected to that.

He wasn’t just some random campaign worker, he was literally Trump’s campaign manager.

But hey, Trump hiring Manafort tells us his aptitude at vetting people now doesn’t it?

Comparing a guy like Manafort being hired by Trump to a former employee of a president committing crimes after he’s under the employment of the former president is just not valid. It’s nothing short of desperate partisanship.

they are so good at punching themselves in the face.


This is a big nothingburger, it’s a process crime!


This connection could have been avoided if the Obama administration, aware of Manaforts background, had properly advised the Trump campaign instead of this useless “look out for Russians” garbage.
Thankfully, not really a problem as this has been looked into in detail for two years by a taskforce of experts with a finding of “No Collusion”.

When you say it that way, barely. I read “manafort’s worth” and thought about wealth and didn’t make your connection. Glad I asked.

so it’s Obamas fault Trump hired him?

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The agencies in his administration, yes.
Trump should have been advised of his background.

You would have the Obama administration sharing counter intelligence info from an ongoing investigation? You don’t even want to share Mueller’s completed report with the congress.

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First, your statement about my historical position is incorrect. I will not comment on the rest of your post.

Trump loathes all things Obama. He tries to undo everything Obama did.

The incoming Trump admin was specifically warned about Flynn and ignored it. There’s literally no reason to believe he would have acted any differently with Manafort.

But please, keep up the partisan pandering!