Even liberal fact-checkers are acknowledging Biden's lies and misinformation

I was very surprised to learn we have had 200 million covid deaths.

Must be true though because old stumbling, bumbling Biden said so. :rofl:


I was surprised to learn from Trump we will all become immune to Covid-19 through herd mentality.

Trump also taught me the Spanish Flu helped to end WW2.

This must be true because old stumbling bumbling Trump said so.

Sure its fun pointing out gaffes politicians make but lets have some honesty that they are made by politicians on both sides.

I missed that one. Other than the “Spanish Flu” pandemic outbreak near the end of WWI the Prez really fumbled that one. Interesting fact about the “Spanish Flu” it was an H1N1 Type A strain, didn’t originate in Spain but infected the King of Spain. Spain during WWI remained neutral and freely published their pandemic reports. (Perhaps the origin of the name) The U.K. France, Germany other European countries and yes the US maintained a WWI censorship protocol. In effect, the citizenry other than being sick didn’t know the scope or details of the pandemic that infected 1/3 of the world’s population.
Interesting read.

Trump can do a 90 plus minute monologue and be interesting the entire time.

Biden sounds close to his final breath after 15 minutes.

Otherwise they are exactly the same…


Trump can field question after question on subject after subject and never miss a beat.

Biden doesn’t seem to know what’s going on half the time.

If you watch a 70’s video of Biden the present deterioration is quite clear.

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Lol are you really telling me the gaffes Trump makes are acceptable because he is more “interesting”.

Why cant people just be honest and say I dont care when a politician I support makes mistakes because supporting them no matter what is what is important to me.

Personally I swear no fealty to any politician or political party. I have no respect for any politician and I start from the default position they are all out to benefit themselves first and the people second.

True, Trump can field question after question, lie on every single one, and supporters will clap and cheer and cling to a Biden gaffe.

If you watch Trump, he’s got a gimp leg from his stroke, slurs his words, sweats all the time, can;t walk down a ramp without assistance. I’m worried he’s not well.

The responses have reminded me of another significant difference.

Sure we can forgive Slow Joe his Freudian wish and slip of 200,000,000 virus deaths.

What we cannot forgive is his unwillingness to talk to the people he supposedly wants to serve.

WASHINGTON — President Trump fielded 867 more questions from reporters than Joe Biden over the last two months.

That number is five times the amount of queries that Biden answered between July 19 and Sept. 15, a review of the candidates’ interviews and briefings shows.

Trump answered a total of 1,141 questions from a Washington press corps that he maintains is openly hostile to his administration, while Biden responded to just 274 questions from local networks and liberal cable news channels like CNN and MSNBC.

The trend started much sooner. There are articles from July showing the same disparate results.


Lie per capita for Biden is in orbit.

LOL. Trump supporters decrying “facts.”

Speaking of COVID, here’s a fun one.

Who said this yesterday as we approach 200,000 deaths?

[COVID-19] affects virtually nobody. It’s an amazing thing. By the way, open your schools.

I’ll give you a hint. It’s the same person who said this.

Just today and yesterday, some startling facts came out. It’s not just old, older. Young people too, plenty of young people…It’s a horrible thing. It’s unbelievable…It’s so easily transmissible, you wouldn’t even believe it.

Your side is not going to forgive Biden on his gaffe. Ever. ■■■■■ you guys still bring up Obama’s 57 states gaffe.

Donald Trump is President. Of course he’s going to field more questions. Its his job to keep America uninformed on all the happenings. Its silly to compare the two.

I think it is clear Trump is a better leader and will talk…alot…to a hostile press.


I think Trump is a poor leader who only cares about people who support him.
The press only seems hostile because they hold him to task on issues. When Trump makes a claim that is outright false, its up to the press to question him on it.

I believed that Obama was a poor leader who only cared about the people who supported him. The rest of us were told to shut up and get on the back of the bus we did not mater. Plus he had a press that covered for him.

Such a poor leader Biden is following like a 4 week old puppy.

Buy USA, Fracking, mask no mask, etc.

Joe never held a post he couldn’t copy his way through.
