She won’t go 24 days without food. You can bet on that. She probably won’t go a day.
Who will know if she eats or not?
You’d be missing more than an afternoon snack, but your point is taken. Setting oneself on fire would indeed make for more drama.
OK. Maybe that would not be such a good idea. I figured she could have a nanny do the work at her age. Perhaps a union nanny being paid at top wages to really set a good example to the R leadership.
Does a saline IV count?
10 ch
She likes to slap her nannies.
Union membership would prevent that.
good one.
I just ate. So I will hold off on that afternoon snack for awhile.
Just envision the United Nannie Workers of Massachusetts (UNWM) organizing a protest outside the Kennedy compound for unfair labor practices after reports of harassment and intimidation by the elder matriarch.
Ethel could blame her 24 hour fast for the poor behavior.
libs own it if she croaks.
The head of HHS the other day said he could find any kid and parent in seconds on his computer.
Great, he should dedicate a half dozen people from HHS & DHS, and they could knock out this task in a day! Collating a few thousand pieces of data is not a large task!
So match up the parents with the kids. That needs to happen regardless of the next step.
Oh come on…what about the CO2??
He could sit in the focused beam of a solar collector.
Or fly into a wind turbine blade. Yes…off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard!!
Not for her. Perhaps her pinko crowd, especially the punk Alec Baldwin who lives on West 10th Street a few buildings down from where I used to live and who attacked a couple of reporters several years back, took in these children and paid for their food, shelter, clothing, medical expenses etc., they would not have to go on a phony baloney hunger strike. What they are really hungry for is attention.
American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.
Granted, a group of oxygen sinks crisping themselves in a vain effort of proclaiming “see, I really care” likely won’t change many people’s positions…but I like a good drama.
Ooh, the ritual hurling oneself into a wind turbing…I like that plotline.