Epstein Found Dead

And in one moment a whole lot of rich men evaded the crime of child rape.

Dammit. You beat me too it.

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Letā€™s hope there is documentation somewhere.

ā€œIā€™m a corrections officer. This should never have been possible. During the intake process due to the nature of his crimes and being famous he should have already been on special watch. Then after the first attempt he would have been in a special cell. He would be in what we call a ā€œpickle suitā€ itā€™s a green suit that you canā€™t tear or tie to anything. His blankets would be the same material. He would only get hygiene products under supervision. Only thing allowed in his cell would be a book and court papers. Then we would be monitored more closely. This is a huge failing on the jail. I want a massive investigation on how this was able to happen.ā€


More Clinton conspiracies!
You joke, but I bet the CEC peddles this.


Theyā€™ve already said it was hanging.

Dude kept labeled CDā€™s of child porn in a safe, doesnā€™t seem like he was too careful with that ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Gotta blame someone, right?
I mean, if I were one of the underage girls involved, the first thing I would do is blame libs.

Hopefully tapes and evidence can still bring justice.

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Oh, you know it.

Letā€™s all watch and see who talks about it either immediately or eventually.

already in places like the_donald, lol

Is Prince Andrew a lib? Heā€™s knee deep in it.

What do you mean?

They were not going to let him say anythng

The guyā€™s life was over and he knew it. Doesnā€™t shock me a child predator would end up taking the cowardā€™s way out of the situation he put himself in.

Hopefully there is enough evidence to charge co conspirators so the truth gets out about how far this thing goes.

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Maybe suicide watch means theyā€™re just gonna watch him do it.


As far as I know only one person ever was accused formally of rape by an arrangement set up by Epstein and that is Trump

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Fat donald and Clinton are very happy this morning.
Iā€™m almost certain the DOJ wonā€™t investigate this ā€œsuicideā€ any time soon.


Do they have any jurisdiction in this case?

Iā€™m sure he was given options