End Public Education Now: Time to defund the left

You exercise some say in public schools.

That has nothing to do with being ā€œconservative.ā€

Because the public pays for them lock stock and barrel, they are government entities. If I use food stamps at a grocery store it doesnā€™t make the grocery store a government grocery store. If I use federal aid to attend a private college, it doesnā€™t become a government university. This already settled legal precedent by the way. Vouchers being used at religious private schools has been challenged in court and they lost. Because the money is going to the parent, not to the school. Once the government gives me money in the form of a voucher or a tax credit, itā€™s no longer government money. Its mine.

Itā€™s pretty much the foundation of conservatism.

We just prefer a standard where kids are not sent to real indoctrination centers which creationists have been known to build.

What part of what people choose to teach their children really isnā€™t any of your business are you failing to get. You may want to live in a totalitarian state where only government approved education is permitted but Iā€™ll take a pass on that thanks.

lolā€¦ that describes plenty of politically liberal people I know. Were you under the impression that most liberals are running around maxing out their credit cards on abortions that resulted from affairs?

I donā€™t see how that might change. Considering the level of poverty in America it seems impossible for private charities to be able to earn the amount of money to be able to pull off the scale required for such a mass operation.

Maybe, but I can tell you that myself, my wife, and many of my liberal friends who are parents are still pro-choice.

Of course we do. The government can tell them to do or not do certain things and then withhold funding if they donā€™t follow through.

Itā€™s a immature knee jerk reaction to assume that a liberalā€™s knee jerk reaction is to have the government solve an issue.

Err no, I can use federal aid to attend a private religious college and the government does no such thing. You are talking about public universities who are directly funded by the government I guess. Do they tell them what to teach? No.

Other than the abortion thing (and even for that it would only be in a dire situation), that describes me and Iā€™m not remotely a conservative.

But if you mean something like, they must admit minorities and gays, sure, what they are must or must not teach, no dice.

Sorry, I thought you were talking about public universities. I donā€™t think financial aid that doesnā€™t have to be paid back should be used towards private colleges.

In the interest of brevity I didnā€™t give a micro level of every detail about them that leads me to believe they may end up becoming politically conservative. But like I said, I donā€™t really care either. If they are liberals, I could care less, provided they donā€™t become so rabid as to not be able to remain civil at the dinner table.

Yes it kind of is my business just as what is taught in public schools is my business. There is miles upon miles worth of difference between setting standards for education wherein one can ensure kids who are not well versed in the subject are not misled by pseudoscientific garbage like creationism and alchemy and a totalitarian state.

Furthermore if we do not ensure a baseline standard for fact based teaching, you leave entire generations who are ill equipped to handle the lies of the ā€œlost causeā€ myth and holocaust deniers.

Hats off to you for being a loving father.

So itā€™s your business what a private college teaches because some students use federal aide to attend? Nope. Like I pointed out to you, this is settled precedent. See for yourself.


he incidental advancement of a religious mission, or the perceived endorsement of a religious message, is reasonably attributable to the individual aid recipients not the government, whose role ends with the disbursement of benefits. Pp. 6-11.

Note where their role ends. Here the extent of permissible control you have per the court, from the same link.

Any private school, whether religious or nonreligious, may participate in the program and accept program students so long as the school is located within the boundaries of a covered district and meets statewide educational standards. Ā§313.976(A)(3). Participating private schools must agree not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or ethnic background, or to ā€œadvocate or foster unlawful behavior or teach hatred of any person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, or religion.ā€

You did not provide the documentation that you have in this post which originally posed a binary totally involved or not involved at all.

No, I clearly posted the word ā€œsomeā€ when asked if the public had any control over private schools that were paid for by vouchers. The above is what I meant by some, as in the same control that already exist, that parents choose to use government vouchers to pay for a private school gives the public no more power to control those schools than already exists.