Eisenhower's Warning

The FDA is the militant arm of Big Pharma/Big Med so it should be included as well. Anyone who dares offer natural cures or alternatives to pills and surgeries is subject to having their business raided by the FDA goons.

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I find it crazy that society loves to prescribe opiates as pain killers despite knowing how addictive they are and the damage they do to your liver, heart, and kidneys. Yet they panic at the idea of people using marijuana as a pain killer. A plant with no physical addiction potential and when consumed in food or pill form, is basically harmless.

It’s the height of insanity.


Big Pharma can’t patent anything that is natural, so they have to get the FDA to ban it. Evil, just pure evil.

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Yes, and patents expire after 20 years. The last thing that Big Pharma wants is new uses for older drugs.

That explains the hyperbolic vitriol against off-label use of inexpensive generic drugs to fight COVID.


That is changing. Slowly, but it is changing. Even my state has allowed medical use.