Don't call us Mormons

A Christian is a follower of Christ. However, there are those kind enough to save Jesus the trouble of casting judgement and choose to do so on his behalf - as evidenced on this very thread.

You mean your version of Christian? No thanks.

Skiing and dated a jack Mormon. Well heck, can’t be more expert than that.

Yeah, any mainstream one? Gee, like Catholicism?

That’s a different story. That just shows you how far people will go over the little things.

If you want to put it that way. Yeah, All the mythology is crap if you’re going to take it that seriously, as in worshiping it.

It’s not really my version of Christianity. Joseph Smith just up and decided to create his own version of Christianity out of nothing.

That was just an example. As I said, Joseph Smith just up and decided to create his own version of Christianity out of nothing.

Never said I was an expert, but I had a good grasp on the fundamentals which was a lot more than he had.

I guess you’re Mormon.

That’s not so much true anymore.
The move now is to accept all religions- no matter how wacky they are. I liked the old way better. At least people actually believed in something.

Isn’t ‘‘wacky’’ in the eye of the beholder? :wink:

How do you behold Jonestown? How do you behold Heaven’s Gate?
Wacky is opinion mixed with common sense.

Those hardly hold a candle comparted to the butchery of Protestant/catholic wars, the crusades, the Inquisition.

So what? I didn’t say they did.

You said a bunch of crap and I called you on it. Own it.

I think you’re a nut case- matter of fact I know you are- own it.

Well that’s one way to rationalize your own ignorance. You go for it.

If you are speaking strictly to belief, there’s a lot of things in the Bible that defy common sense. Virgin births, the dead rising from the grave, water turning to wine, talking donkeys, seas parting, etc. - all of that at face value is fantastical. It’s only been given legitimacy by thousands of years of history.

Actually, ‘‘virgin births’’ are possible. The couple of a friend of mine had one. It has to do with being a ‘‘■■■■■ teaser’’. The girl was shocked when she found out she was prego and the Dr. had to explain it to her. TRUE STORY.

More accuracy, this would be a virgin pregnancy.