Donald Trump Jr

Like I always say, don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story. Party on.

That is the facts.:rofl:

We know at least that two months after Joe is made point man for delivering our money to Ukraine, Hunter is put on a board of a major Ukrainian company being paid huge sums for something on which he has no background.
And yet the same ones who were so worried about a few service people staying at a Trump hotel see nothing wrong with that. They are outraged that anyone would even ask that it be looked into.

Come on conservatives…lets not take them seriously again when they pretend to complain about corruption or benefiting from government positions.

They don’t care one bit.

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Hunter Biden wasn’t being paid with taxpayer dollars.

At the time, Hunter had already been on the board of a handful of other organizations. As the press release said, he was brought on for consultation for corporate governance. As a Yale law graduate and his experience on other boards, how did he not have the background to provide such services?

Just like China, It looks like Joe Biden used his position to make him and his family rich.

No. Now, did they buy him his job is another question.

Are we seriously going to claim it was coincidence just two months after dad was made Ukrainian point man?

“He is supposed to be advising them on natural gas regulatory issues. He has no background in Ukraine. He has no background in energy or natural gas. So the question is, What is he being paid for? He’s not being paid for his expertise, he has none,” Schweizer said. “His father at this time is the point person on U.S. policy to Ukraine.”

Why would anyone wonder that?