Does Ukraine have a future?

i reject your America hate

You go pay it.

no, we go pay it. thats the deal we made

How sad. Who told you “Russia bad”?

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Right behind you.

who needs to be told?

Looks like Russia is making headway towards Bakhmut.

This vid is pretty thorough and paints a poor report for the Ukes. Especially disheartening after all the fresh support. Soledar has fallen.

You just know?

What does the Budapest treaty say about Ukraine shutting off water to Crimea and destroying food supplies? Knowingly creating starvation?

Are we obligated to defend the saints who do such things?

The US also signed the The Treaty of Versailles. Yet 22 years later (about half that of the Ukraine), we stopped honoring it because of bad deeds by bad actors.

Ukraine is not a nation of heroes.


bakhmut is not in danger of falling. ukraine has reestablished defensive lines around soledar. kremmina is close to being liberated.

Yea Team!

crimea is a part of ukraine. if they want to shut off the water thats their business. otherwise, its russian propaganda, crimean grain growth increased after the initial canal stopage. no one starved, no one died of thirst.

we are obligated to do what we said we would.

I prefer that you are correct, however that video has images of Russian forces in Soledar with no opposition.

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Low information on geopolitics. Any rationalization to hang another millstone.

What did Russia do to you?

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they(russia) have taken soledar.

the ukrainians maintain salt mine #7 and sil which is a part of soledar. defensive lines are established there and fighting is ongoing.

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Nickle defense! Ball on the 42, 2 and 10! Will they run or pass?

your wrong opinion and total lack of any understanding of geo politics outside of your front yard is noted.

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What did Russia do to you?

they invaded a country mine is obligated to assist in defending. its what we agreed to.

Then go. They didn’t invade my country.

A country that intentionally created starvation.


wrong, it doesn’t work that way. we (the united states) not me, not you, we, made a promise. we recieved what we required, and now its time for us to pay for it.