Does NBA photographer who has been fired for posting up an Kamala Harris meme deserve a 2nd chance?

You think we can’t take your retirement?

What part of your politics a requires calling women hoes?


This guys a putz.

Intentional side effect. Intersectionality. Hierarchy.

A union worker is a better person than a non-union worker right off the bat.

Well, I mean we do sort of have deep and wide court precedent saying political speech is the most sacred and protected form of speech, for a reason.and yes I know that precedent is in reference to government restrictions, that doesn’t erase the reasons the court gives as to why unfettered political debate is a good thing.

There we go! Who’s upset?

Can we expect an incoming rash of rappers being dropped by their labels?

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My rapper part.

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Stay out of my brain )”

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He wasn’t thrown out for his political speech. He was thrown oit for calling women hoes on social media.

Pro tip: don’t do that. Especially when you’re locked in a professional women’s sports bubble.

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He did. It’s in the body of the post. Did you read the post?

If it’s about politicians, it’s political speech.

Good Lord, or just not call anyone a hoe on your social media page.

My dad was a raging racist and misogynistic ass, but he knew better than to say that stuff out loud or in public. What is wrong with people?

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Ya that’s not how it is here on this forum or anywhere with anyone with a sense of decorum and professionalism.

The Rocket’s are not women.

Look at his big success as a political hoe pundit. Clearly he’s meant for a different gig

Are you denying people are now losing their jobs over saying things nobody would have blinked an eye at ten years ago or even five? It’s a moving goalpost and only a fool plays a game with serious consequences where the rules are subject to change after the play was made.

Nba bubble has nba and WNBA in it in Orlando, no?

How is that speech political?

Bet he never heard that term in the locker room, wait, my sides ow that hurts

So now “unfettered political debate” involves calling a candidate a “hoe”.

Unfettered political debate. :rofl:

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