Raising taxes just gives government more to spend.
As far as I am concerned, national debt is a spending problem that nobody in government wants to address. (And anyone who tries to address it is labeled a renegade and a bomb thrower.)
When you EARN a dollar, you appreciate the hard work it took and you have a greater tendency to spend it wisely. When you receive a dollar without “earning” it, there’s a greater tendency to not spend it as wisely. Easy come, easy go is a more appropriate description.
It never has been. Debt accumulation isn’t being resolved by money printing but acquiring more debt owed to itself.
Weimar Republic rhetoric was Spinach’s obsession. It never came to fruition. For a reason.
Actually, it’s worse than that. It’s gives them the ability to borrow more. And they will almost always borrow as much as possible. Which is what the graphs shows.
Well what you said for sure didn’t happen. It’s a trope that was made up. For no reason whatsoever….
The program failed because it had stringent requirements. In fact five families graduated the program but most others failed because of the requirements.
The issue you have is that the program had stringent requirements. It wasn’t money for nothing. There were hoops they had to go through. The failure rate was high because it was stringent
So your entire point about what Oprah did or the result of the program was mistaken