Does congress have the right to Trump's tax records?

You can “lay the groundwork” because you know you are skating on thin ice. Judges aren’t necessarily unaware of whats really going on.

Maybe its the principle of privacy and over reaching government powers invading privacy for political purposes.

It’s as if Trump supports enjoy being lied to.

and the congress has. the law is clear, congress is not exempt from it as it specifically applies to them. they may receive the info only in closed executive session.

The dems can’t keep their focus. They bounce around like a rubber ball trying to find a Trump scandal. Now they are back to the Mueller report where they will probably stay for another few weeks. Then it may be back to taxes, Stormy or something else. Their inability to focus is their worst enemy.

Im nkt saying this is what will happen - but they can recieve the info in a closed session, and then read it onto the record in an open session.

Judges are generally hesitant to rule on the merits of a congressional inquiry. It’s a separation of powers issue.

As long as Congress can articulate a legislative purpose, they meet the legal standard.

Not according to Harvard law Professor and Hillary voter Alan Dershowitz. The law clearly protects non indicted individuals. And thank God it does.

Which is weird, because they feel no such hesitation regarding the executive branch.

Dershowitz said that about 26 USC 6103 and congressional committee access?

He has 5 minute video from FNC. It’s probably better that you watch it than me explain it.

Please post a link…

I did some quick googling, and can’t find any comments by Dershowitz relating to Trump’s taxes.

I think he is confusing different inquiries…

Maaaaay-bee. :hushed:

For all or for one?

Trump is going to be mired with lawsuits until the day he dies

Don’t care. As long as he keeps up the excellent work as president.

You didnt answer so I will try again. I am asking you a question on your understanding of the link you posted. Do you see that ruling being for all citizens? or just a case by case basis for whoever the party in charge want to see?

If this pertains to every tax filer, than one freedom of information request from someone like me ought to get me the complete return on whoever I request it for. That is scary.

If it is only for the congress, than are you ok with the party in power, say Harry Reid, requesting the tax filings on whoever his political opponent is and publishing them? I am not OK with that. It is crazy power you are giving to both parties and I dont trust either one of them with it.

So you mean personal consentual sexual acts arent a matter of privacy?