Does congress have the right to Trump's tax records?

It isn’t. That’s the problem. Which is why there’s some concern around how he masked paying off his affairs by funneling it through his lawyer as some sort of retainer or with fraudulent billing.

Stop repeating the falsehoods that the radio says and I will believe you.


This would be the very definition of opaque governance, ripe for conflicts of interest.

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Democrat Politicians have the right to do whatever they want!

If you disagree with them, they will throw you in jail for being discriminatory against
them! They’re Gods, and should never be questioned!



I don’t have to.

You have to somehow prove that he has stolen our money. Good luck.


The Clinton campaign paid foreigners for opposition research, and some of that went to Russians - how “officially” high up in the chain we will never know, but they were admittedly Russians.



You think her own admission that she was using a private server all through her tenure as SecState was “just vague”??? It almost got her thrown in jail. There was nothing vague about it.

We also found out in that final panel that she absolutely KNEW on the night of the attack that it was a terrorist raid and not a protest gone bad. Is that also just a too “vague” for you?


No, her private server did not “almost get her thrown in jail”.


There was nothing either unethical or illegal with trying to go to a legitimate source to get dirt on your poltical opponents in an election, foreigners or not. It is called opposition research and the Clinton campaign actually DID IT during the campaign with Ukraine.

Why isn’t Adam Schiff all upset with her?


He answered Mueller’s questions in written form.



Oversight doesn’t give them license to do anything they want. That has been proven in the courts time and time again, and for the VERY REASON that the Congress can abuse their power in a poltical witch hunt, if they were unfettered.


From that guy?

Yeah, pretty much. No prosecutor would try to use his testimoney in a court case. His credibilty is shredded and has been.

He was good ONLY for a polical show and that’s all.


So I will chalk you up for ignoring allegations made by the President’s former lawyer who got Into to trouble by following the wishes of the President.

Makes sense.

Errr, the IRS has nothing to do with Congress. It is part of the Executive Branch and they can audit anyone they want. If they want to audit Trump - and they do, every year - then THEY will determine if he committed any crimes in his taxes.

Since they have never accused him of such we have no reason to believe otherwise.


Congressional oversight isn’t unlimited. This is well within their limits. IRS is a government agency. The president is a government employee.

Do they have oversight of the government?

Congress has oversight of the executive branch, including the IRS.

Congress passed the law that created the IRS.

Every year, they pass the bill that funds the IRS.

The Court has consistantly held, for the last 150 years or so, that oversight is a legislative function.


The opposition research done for Republicans by Fusion GPS you reference was real opposition research - culling newspaper articles and TV interviews to get confirmed but relatively unknow stuff out there.

It wan’t until the Clinton campaign took over that it was then farmed out to Steele and his goons by Fusion GPS. Steele never worked for any Republicans.