Does anyone here believe that we can eliminate ALL fossil fuel use in 12 years?

The less we depend on a single fuel source the better. Why would anyone argue anything else?


Sounds stuffy…

They aren’t perfectly clean though. It’s physically impossible.

The main limitations with ICE going forward is that we are reaching a point of diminishing returns in regards to power, economy, and efficiency. They are better than ever, but how much further can we take them?

In theory camless engines could take us forward but no one has made that work reliably yet. Elimating the camshafts would decrease rotational mass and increase efficiency.

Yes, Brine reactors would be great for making cheap electricity for cars… Much safer than current nuke plants, although they are remarkably safe too.

Sure. Sweatshops, child labor and chattel slavery “work” in the same regard.

Doesn’t mean we do it.

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Unrealistic timeline.

These are not substantial problems. We’ve been managing pollution from manufacturing plants for decades.

This seems much more likely, yes.

She’s delusion…but then, so are you. Venezuela.

Leftism killed more people than the crusades by a factor of 100, at least. Killed more people than the KKK by a factor of 1000, at least. Yet, the left still loves, it’s godless religion…

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Why are you always telling half truths.

Where am I wrong?

She’s the future of the dem party… It’s demographics.

Yes, I believe that we could eliminate all fossil fuel use in 12 years. It would require sacrifice and a lot of work, but it is possible. This is not an abstract goal like winning the war on drugs or ending poverty. The goal is measurable and definable. However, since it would require everyone to be working and sacrificing towards the goal, I don’t think it would/will happen.

Everybody thinks of power for cars. Because they a common device we all use.
Cars are pretty easy compared to passenger jets.

What is proposed for passenger jets???


Thanks for the useless post.

The Tesla model 3 has a range of 220 miles (extended life version 310 miles). First problem is you are going to have to be able to afford the $46,000 + to get one (either cash or be able to afford th einsurance and manatory ins the lender will require).

Now the 220/310 is under ideal conditions.

Now if I wanted to take a day trip to see my daughter at college, have lunch and come home. It’s 195 miles one way (with no side trips). That’s 390 miles. So essetially with the best on the market, it’s not an option even right now. 450 miles from her college apartment to the center of the Strip in Vegas. Definitely NOT an option.

As of now biofuels. B-52s are certified to use to biomass jet fuel in place of JP-8.

In the future who knows?

Not now.

In five years they’ll be cracking 500 miles like it’s nothing.

They’re starting hydrogen fuel cell trains in UK.