Do you worry about Joe?

Excellent insights! Thanks for sharing this! I am sure everyone here is now assured that Biden is just fine.



The difference being, Trump has always been incoherent.

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That was full of gloom and darkness.

Not so sure that is a winning hand.

It might be.

Joe Biden was not honest.

It is reality.

It is not an attack.

That clip was painful to watch and it was only 2 minutes.

100,000 dead tend to be a dark event

Im sure you have some examples of him being dishonest -And not just something you disagree with.

There is that number again.

Pace yourself.

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Wow. What a somber, moving speech. Thanks for posting

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Sam Donaldson did.

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Burisma really knocked out the veneer of a mostly honest good old Joe.

That is not even delving into the FISA stuff since it is unfolding.

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Heā€™s speaking to friends and families of the 100k people who lost their lives. It is the right approach, it invokes empathy and compassion.

Letā€™s compare it to Trumpā€™s speech about this milestone.

Oh waitā€¦


You are better at this than I.

I tend to bristle at gloom.

You convinced me. I will not vote for him in 1988.
Got anything from say - the last 20 years?

Unfounded conspiracy theories are not lies regardless of how bad you want them to be.

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Must be odd when you attend a memorial service for a loved one then.

And you feel like being incoherent is a winner while accusing the other dude of being incoherent. Okay my dude.

Sure, and in a British accent.


Sure itā€™s not. Itā€™s just nonpartisan concern. Which is why youā€™ve defended all the random words that vomit out of Trumpā€™s mouth. I donā€™t even have to go back a week to find him not unable to properly pronounce words but losing his way on a teleprompter somehow and struggling to get back. Or being a seventy plus year old man unaware of what insulin is for.

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Got anything from this century?

All of this crap happened over 30 years ago, heā€™s been the VP since then and has done a lot of good things. Didnā€™t stop me voting for Obama and him 12 years ago and it wonā€™t stop me now. You still have to contrast him with his competition. And in that comparison Biden is Mother Theresa.


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