Do you support the Nomination of Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court

Are you thinking that in the future, Supreme Court justices only will be approved if the Senate is the same party as the President? Because it seems that is what you are advocating.

It didnā€™t. You are wrong.

not really, republican senates have approved democratic presidentā€™s choicesā€¦ leftists on the other handā€¦

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Thank youā€¦ What did I do wrong?

Small typo was all.

Yeah, it pretty much did, except for the one outlier, you.

Reminds me how Dems consider 1 Republican voting with them constitutes bipartisan support.

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@NebraskaFootball also supported her nomination, but the poll wasnt working. for him to check it.

ā€¦have approved Republican presidentā€™s choices. Iā€™m hoping both sides will be reasonable.

Should Garlandā€™s nomination require a Democratic Senate to be confirmed?

Yeah there is a great line by whatā€™s his name in whatā€™s that called:

ā€œ How can you keep quiet? How do you have patience for people who claim they love America, but clearly canā€™t stand Americans?ā€

So it wasnā€™t strictly along party lines, was it? Iā€™d imagine that there are more.

Pretty sure NF identifies as Republican. Or at least conservative.

hope springs eternalā€¦ history says otherwise

Brings to mind the Rafel Ganowicz quote.

All along Trump has said ā€œrepeal and replace.ā€ Obamacare.

He will never sign a bill that doesnā€™t ā€œreplaceā€ lower the cost and expand pre-existing conditions. Cost to a consumer should be cut by 2/3rds. Otherwise he will not sign it. Obama care raised costs by 2/3rds.

If only Trump had a better, faster, cheaper healthcare plan ready to go, eh? Like on day one?

But itā€™s okay. I have it from the very best of sources that he will have one in a couple of weeks.

They have one. It starts by cutting out the corrupt middlemen and politicians.

Do they now? You may be the only person on the planet whoā€™s seen this awesome health care plan, and that includes Trump.

Who is Clancy? Biden is not nominating Garland. It will be WOC.

Not viable because of race and then gender.

What methods for which judges.