Do millennials really know who and what they're really voting for?

Lol this is so true.

Thank you!

It’s like they completely miss out on the fact of the age group that was marching in Chartlosville or the fact that many of the right wing trolls online are millennials.

Or that Andrew Anglin is a millennial

Tommy, you are a smart kid who likes to read. This a bit off topic and this is not a poke at you. Not his time anyway. Obviously religion, church, Bible doesn’t do it for you. Me neither, way to boring. Some of the more far fetched philosophies, I has found truly fascinating. A couple of authors in particular are Carlos Castaneda and Jane Roberts. I found the reading fascinating fantasy until a few books in. Then it slowly dawns on you that life is much more complex and fantastic that you ever imagined.

Until they are shadow banned and /or kicked off for being dangerous to the community.

LOL. Carlos Castaneda. Wait: you mean, we don’t all need to be more like, I dunno, the magical Mexican wizard-people, or something? Wretched? Yes. But no worse–and probably less insidious–than Ayn Rand. :slight_smile:

No- you just whine and serve a master that is going to screw you over even worse.

But he’ll say the things you want him to say so you’ll be all good…

Telling you exactly what Trump is doing to you is not whining…it’s being honest.

You have a link? I’m totally guilty of that, my instinctive response is away a no problem or no sweat.

Also, one of those stereotypes that is definitely true is the middle aged white lady who is just praying someone in customer service screws up so they can try to cost them their job.

It was just another day at my local drug store. I picked up a few sundries, stood in line, showed my customer loyalty card—I hate them like everyone else does, but discounts are discounts—and paid my tab. The young man behind the counter was pleasant, and said hello, as I did. He then silently dumped a handful of paper, coins, and cash in my hand.

“Thank you,” I said.

“No problem,” he answered.

When I got home, I wondered, as I always do, when the customer became the person in a transaction to say “thank you,” instead of the clerk. “Thank you” for what, exactly? For letting me shop in your store? For allowing me to hand you my money? And when did “no problem” become standard English for “you’re welcome?”

We don’t have to do anything, I just found it a fascinating read.

So let me get this right. Someone supporting Trump is a free thinking individual but a Sanders supporter is somehow brainwashed.

What complete bollocks.

I was joking. :slight_smile:

I see you’re buying quite a bit of tinfoil along with gold.

Being past the age that “things in my day” itis starts infecting the brain, I try really hard not to fall victim to it. Try to stay up on what’s shaking and not to immediately condemn everything after a certain year. Not confuse me being simpler when I was young with the world being simpler.

My definite favorite though is, kids in my day had respect because we got beaten! And it’s like yeah, we got beaten bloody by our parents and we were still little monsters and delinquents.

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I’m making a tinfoil hat as we speak. You know G5 is coming soon and there is no escape.

You will tire of that soon enough.

Your point is based on erroneous assumptions.

Doubtful. I don’t plan on getting old except chronologically. The world is an endlessly fascinating place.

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In group/out group bias… my people are a diverse set of people with desirable characteristics; other people are a homogeneous blob.


unfortunately yes.

although i wouldnt use the term “liberal”
