Do Democrats Support Freedom for Cuba?

So you think Biden policy should allow Cuban refugees in again?

No, Trump didn’t overturn it. He kept the same policy but made it more difficult for those seeking asylum from everywhere, including Cuba.

Biden has continued the Trump policies, I believe. Both Trump and Biden deported a lot.

Should Cubans get asylum automatically here?

I would certainly prioritize them over Hondurans, Guatemalans and Nicaraguans! Haitians need priority too! There are no genocide going on in those countries! But we know why you prefer them to Cubans.

No. No one should be “automatic”. Again I state…the process should be applied to all on an equal basis.

How many Haitians and Cubans should Biden immediately admit to the US? All of them who want to come?

No not all!

So how many?

Case by case basis

Let the courts determine that.

So you disagree with Smyrna’s post?

Do you?

Somewhat yes! Not everyone’s needs are the same! Genocide proceeds poverty cases.

No. I even “liked” it.

…and talk about double speak. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

What do you mean?

And thank you for admitting its a game.

“no” means no and “liked” means yes

So you want the Biden administration to identify and prioritize immigration from different countries. Interesting.

I have no preference at all.

No, I don’t disagree with your statement. That is, I agree.