DNC beats RNC in ratings

So funny that for the past week their whole thing has been “oh like it’s hard to read from a teleprompter” but based on trumps performance it looks kinda hard.

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Buncha knuckleheaded amateurs.

I luv u guys. There was a regular lib celebration over this. I’m honored. :sunglasses:

That whole night one thing… that is just c span.

You are being played by that headline.

It is truly pathetic how people keep getting tricked by the c-span ratings articles. But I bet that’s the only ratings Trump’s aids show him.

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I take you no longer believe that viewership correlated to votes? Or did you just mean one night and Cspan specifically?

So it looks like the premise of the thread is wrong. Who actually had more views, between tv & internet, Republicans were watched more, besides bringing in more money. Nowadays tv is not the only means of watching conventions:

Meanwhile, the Republican National Convention brought in 147.9 million total views across television and online between Monday and the end of Thursday night’s programming, according to a senior campaign official.

The DNC convention, as Fox News previously reported, had 122 million total viewers through television and online.

“With massive fundraising and record viewership, President Trump’s re-nomination convention was a huge, unqualified success,” Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh told Fox News Friday.


Interesting, thanks.

So a Trump campaign official touted these numbers?

I’m suspect at best.


For those that don’t want to click the link.

No one to speak of was watching the DNC beyond a glance. Fox just as fake as the rest…

Advertising dollars claims multiplied by a large number, money already spent by an invisible hand…a wrinkled old abominable, wretched, shaky, hand.

They’re not “totally different.” Read closer.

More people watched the RNC on C-SPAN.

More people watched the DNC on TV.

but when you factor in all the Russian watching RNC wins.

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No comrade. In Russia, you don’t watch TV. In Russia, TV watches you.

C-Span viewers are a key bellwether though.

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One would think that the guy who has spent a billion would be doing better in the polls.

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You said those exact words 4 years ago, don’t you remember, or do they wipe your Sim chip?

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Against 2 or 3 billion in media propaganda?

I say Trump is doing better then expected.

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Glad to know that this is the sort of discourse that is cool here.