Dirty Immigration Pool

Exactly. They violated American immigration law.

If they wanted to be a legal immigrant to America, there are ways…


If they were still students and their student VISA was still good, there wouldn’t be a problem. They are already here illegally when they applied for that fake school. You make it sound like they were here leagally until they put in that application. Not the case.

"The University of Farmington was set up in 2015 to catch foreign nationals who had travelled to the US on student visas but stayed on by transferring to fake universities and then obtaining work permits through them.

The practice is common enough that US officials refer to such colleges as “visa mills” and the scam as a “pay-to-stay” scheme."

Don’t make it sound like this is some sort of entrapment set up to fool innocent would be students.

I would rather all eliminate prostitution stings and use the resources to set up more VISA stings.


These people knew what they were doing and were caught. They should be deported back to their home countries.

I don’t blame them for doing it though. I wouldn’t want to live in India or China either.

Wouldn’t it have been much cheaper and simpler to steer these people to legitimate schools and resources to avoid falling into criminal immigration status?

Why is it Obese Donald seems to like some of the WORST ideas President Barack Hussein Obama ever had as President and keep them going or even expanding on them?


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These “students” knew that the school they were applying to was a bogus school. They knew they were violating the law, and still did so. Why should they not be deported and make way for people who won’t violate the law?

They are just trying to better themselves. The poor, downtrodden victims of domestic violence. What does the statue of liberty say?

They are productive members. The people. They pay taxes!

People drowned their children in the Ganges! They are refugees!

It’s the cruelty.

What was stopping them from applying to legitimate schools?

There is a process for claiming and having asylum adjudicated. VISA fraud isn’t part of that process.

Yeah, a process that includes putting their children in cages.


I don’t know, do you?


Wouldn’t it have been better snd cheaper for America if the Feds had let them know they had been “busted” and steered them to legitimate schools and or resources to avoid falling into criminal immigration status?

iCE deports people everyday.

Not a big deal.


…and they kept the tuition.

Big cruelty.

Thanks Obama. lol

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They don’t appear to care about this cruelty.