Difference between Trump and Biden in two videos

:+1: :purple_heart: :v:

Ok, but what’s different?

is the vid segment in the OP edited?

Stop already. We’re not comparing two bad candidates, and you guys continue to try to do this. Biden simply isn’t fit for purpose. He’s a flat tire than can’t be repaired. You can say Trump is a donut, or a bald tire, but either one can get you to your location. The flat tire is not an option.

What are you so afraid Trump will do anyway? That he won’t flood the country with the world’s poor? That he will reverse this net zero breathless hysteria? What is it?

It’s like my governor of NJ. I have to vote Democrat because I’m in a union. But I couldn’t vote for him for a 2nd term. Forget the covid mandates. Just the fact he’s banning plastic bags. I didn’t vote for you to ban plastic bags, or make straw mandates that no one abides by. Similar to that idiot mayor of NYC wanting to ban soft drinks over 16 oz. No one is voting for you to tell people how much to drink.


Isn’t Brandon working in opposite directions in the two?

Isn’t one before and the other after the rant?

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It’s not about Biden is fit or not…Biden has done everything that libs wanted him to do. It’s about brushing what libs done to American people under the rug by getting rid of him. He’s their patsy.

This is a really weird response to my post. Like I said earlier, there are plenty of reasons to criticize Biden without making up a false racial narrative about snubbing a Black woman.

Maybe you haven’t been reading my posts for the past two years, but I’m not voting for Biden. He’s unfit for office, as I’ve said over and over again. Take it to heart.

I’ll leave it to you to analyze the video like it’s the Zapruder film. Either way, the narrative that Biden snubbed this woman because she’s Black has been debunked. Biden is finished, there’s no need to make stuff up.

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I don’t think so. I think both videos are true.

How do you explain the look on her face in the one she got passed over for?

I think what happened was he originally went past her and then his staff told him to go back and hug her because they knew how it would look.

but unlike the idiot left, I am educable, and if there is actual evidence otherwise I will change my mind

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I disagree. They are two separate passes. The first one he hugged her and sniffed her hair.

The 2nd one he snubbed her.

maybe. Don’t know if there is a way to tell unless there is one long video showing all of these events unfold in real time

The irony of all this however, is that Democrats don’t want anyone generating any narrative over a selected piece of video even though that’s all they did leading up to 2016

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My apologies. You know why it’s a really weird response to your post? Because I didn’t mean to respond to you. I thank you for being civil. Because my response to what you wrote looks like I’m nuts.

It was meant for biggestal99’s post. Not yours. My mistake.

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So at one point Biden interacts with the person next to her and ignores her, and at another point he hugs her and ignores the person next to her. And this causes you outrage?

I’m going to leave the mind reading to the internet philosopher monk with a partisan axe to grind.

Look at the differences with the big guy in the brown shirt to the girl’s right.

So you made up a story completely unsupported by the video that reinforces your preconceived partisan notions, and everyone of the left is an idiot. Got it!

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Lets see whole unedited video.


i said i’m open to change my mind if i see something convincing

Which yes is very much unlike the idiot left who when programmed by media to believe a video clip there is no going back despite overwhelming proof

Is this what you usually do? Just make something up that sounds good and go with it until someone proves you wrong?

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Yeah, if you really want to get to the bottom of it. I feel like I’ve already spent too much time thinking about it. . .