Did you ever think?

Ugh vetting.

To what degree can you “vet”?

So just give everyone the benefit of the doubt and let them in, right?

I think the wall is a stupid waste of money, but this is where the left looses me. Kidnapping is a federal crime too and if a San Francisco cop comes across a kidnapper and his victim from another state, should he just say, Hey have a nice day?

No. I’m asking to what degree we are capable of vetting immigrants. I’m not saying we should not in any form.

I’m not an investigator so I’m not sure how much we can. Seems rather foolish to just take everyone at their word or massively expand the number of people allowed to just come on in.

Absolutely not, they hold the kidnapper for up to 96 hours while an arrest warrant is issued. Once the arrest warrant is issued, you can be held by a city/county/state or in a federal facility.

Since you don’t seem to know what or how vetting occurs…

Maybe we could have an immigration hearing and let an administrative judge make the determination… Oh, that’s how it actually works today…

With attorneys provided by us?

And if you imagine 5,700 of these stadiums, that’s the US population.

So those granted asylum equal 1/5,700th of the US population.

And the “caravan invasion” @Mountain_Soldier referred to is 100 times smaller…so we should be trembling at an “invasion force” that is 1/570,000th the size of the US population.

I’m not convinced the current policy is let then all in and take them at the word. As an aside, it is notable that many look at immigration through the eyes of fear.

My point wasn’t the fact of one caravan, it’s the continual stream of people coming here illegally.

Sigh… Asylum seekers have to pay for their own representation, the taxpayers do not pay for asylum seekers representation…

It seems many of those on the left want the number greatly increased and requirements for entry to be relaxed.

Do they notify other jurisdictions that the kidnapper was caught? Are San Francisco cops required to notify ICE when they come in contact with someone who is here illegally?

That’s pretty vague…

It seems you are making things up.


No…I never did but…I’m now waking up to it, pulling my resources from where they’ve previously been allocated and redirecting them towards correcting this problem. I’m with you my friend and thanks for this post.

Not at all. Why all the partisan fighting if the left wants increased border security and requirements tightened? They don’t.

They respond with an emotional argument that the people coming here are all just looking for better lives and we need to be more compassionate and understanding.