Did someone leak a new recruiting film for the anti-Trump resistance?


The video is probably not from the anti-Trump resistance but it does have the ring of truth; there really are threats of violence coming from the left if they don’t get their way:


Is targeting American voters for violent attacks and intimidation likely to be a winning strategy for Democrats?

Posobiec produces ok fanfic.


Wow…what garbage. I may never get those brain cells back.

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Thanks anyway.


Truth seems to offend libs.

If you are a Posobiec, Ngo, Milo, Loomer, Burkman, Wohl, O’Keefe, etc you are not dealing in truths, or truth.


Funny…a libs trying to lecture me about truth.

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Here’s a truth. Liberals are not antifa. Democrats are not antifa. Antifa is Antifa

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Here is one Democrat who would love to see antifa confronted and unmasked.

I know liberals aren’t…libs are.

What’s a lib? Isn’t it just a pejorative Trump Supporters call anyone who disagrees with him or them.


You know what a lib is…I don’t need to explain it to you again just because you don’t like the term.

No…honestly, how are they different. I mean you guys© have called me a lib for years…i just always thought it was childish name calling.

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A lib is a authoritarian that hides behind the label of liberalism to deceive American people of their true intentions. They are not liberal…in fact they are opposite of a liberal.

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I am not sure, but I think an example would be Liberals are all for free speech even protecting that which they consider abhorrent. While Libs seek to punish people whose speech they disagree with.


What has Trump done?

Oh…I see he deleted his post…

Trump would be a lib if he hadn’t switched parties. You could say, I believe he is just that hiding behind conservatism. Thanks for the explanation.


My main issue with all things “Antifa” is that the word is used as blanket terminology for ALL violent demonstrators. You don’t hear “Youth Liberation Front” in the media because it’s nowhere near as catchy of name. Every single group that advocates street violence needs to be acknowledged rather than consolidating them all under the Antifa umbrella - they’re not the Walmart of socialist uprisings.

Just re purposed it.

Deceive the American people ringing any bells?

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If you changed it too hides behind the label of conservatism…would that not be Trump?

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