Dicks sporting admits gun policy hurts sales

So don’t shop there.

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It’s been about a year since this exact thread faded from the front page

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Looks like they shot themselves in the foot.

Who’s treating 18 year olds as children?

Integrity costs everyone something. If it didn’t come at a cost, it wouldn’t be an admirable trait.

Wait a a minute…

Now that’s comedy…:sunglasses:

Really? This is the Examiner…

Dicks sporting… obviously…

Its a private company so they can do what they want. :woman_shrugging: They have to answer to the BOD and stock holders.

I would say though if conservatives took a cue from liberal leftists and called for a boycott of Dick’s their stock would be even lower but it’s enough that Dicks is shooting (pun definitely intended) themselves in the foot and will eventually drive themselves out of business on their own!

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They may not. If the policy is hurting stockholders, they can be taken to court for not maximizing profits.

So, I guess conservatives should keep boycotting Dicks.

There has been no call by a true conservative to boycott any company that’s a leftist tactic. People can choose to buy from other companies and apparently they have where Dick’s Sporting Goods is concerned.

The same with Target and Starbucks whose bathroom policies have caused a drop in their stock because people just choose to go elsewhere, there is no major campaign to boycott!

Well that’s #FakeNews.

and here

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Someone is boycotting them and they’re not liberals.

Dicks’ instituted a stricter gun sales policy.
As a result, sales of guns to 18-21 year old’s declined.

Wasn’t that the purpose of instituting the policy?
The OP data shows that Dick’s implementing the policy had the desired effect.


Stock price Jan. 12, 2018: $33.33
Stock price Jan. 11, 2019: $33.30


Hey man…a 1% decline is HUGE.

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As to your first sentence:

Rush Limbaugh and Hugh Hewitt called for conservatives to not spend money with GM after the bailout. Rush called them an “Obama company.” Hannity promoted the Media Equality Group’s boycott of Maddow sponsors.

So, unless you are calling Sean and Rush anything other than “true conservatives,” your statement is either willfully ignorant or a lie.


here is a comparison of Dick’s stock (blue) and the DOW (red) since July…

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