Diamond and silk to testify in front of House Judiciary committee

I’m suggesting that when the overwhelming majority of minorities tend to reject the modern Republican Party, any outliers to that tend to be picked up and elevated, no matter how insane they may come off. That is why individuals like Herman Cain and Ben Carson were considered viable presidential candidates, even though they would have been laughed off of the stage by any responsible voters.

Diamond and Silk may actually believe the things they say or they may just know their audience. They wouldn’t be the first people to make a living lying to gullible white conservatives and telling them exactly what they want to hear.

there it is folks

insane, laughed off stage, lying

Yeah, there it is. Most people would have the sense to look at someone who thinks the pyramids were ancient grain silos and that Obamacare was the worst thing since slavery, laugh at them, and promptly remove them from any serious consideration of an important position.

Republicans gave the guy a Cabinet position, making him 12th in the line of succession.

Never said all black women are “crazies”. I never said nor did I imply any such thing.

However, Diamond and Silk do fit under that Trump GOP “big tent” that provides cover for so many Right Wing crazies.

Their whole Trump loving dog and pony show has set them apart from the sane and sensible among us.

Facebook applied the same standards to their postings as they did to mine and to those of others on the site, to posts by folks that are too numerous to mention, but mostly unknown. Diamond and Silk just had other venues, ala Fox & Friends et al, to piss and moan about how they were treated on Facebook.

Object all you want. I stand by my post, that you seem to have, in large part, misunderstood.

Facebook did not suppress their First Amendment freedom.

There is no evidence that what took place at Facebook had anything to do beyond the judgement of their characters based on what they submitted that mirrored their characters and was judged in violation of Facebook ToS.

The First Amendment only guarantees venues to the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It does not extend that right to a venue with private entities.

There is is folks-unneeded racebaiting!

Didn’t we discuss the top of unneeded racebaiting at length in the Outside the Beltway thread about this? Yes, we did.

Sorry you feel that way. It seems to me though that what is happening here is exactly what Clarence Thomas called out.

“This is a circus. It’s a national disgrace. And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree.”

The judges for Diamond and Silk are not Senate Democrats… but Facebook and the public posts of progressive liberals.

Don’t you think that people who have been historically discriminated against and oppressed deserve the benefit of the doubt here? I can see no other reason these black women are being vilified. Their words and demeanor are sober. They are articulate. They are friendly. And yet… we have this attempt to delegitimize and vilify them and call them UNSAFE…What else can be the reason?

Cute, but ultimately meaningless post. After days and days and days of posting about this, you’ve yet to demonstrate that race was a factor. It has no place in a discussion of the error that happened to their social media account, as no proof exists the error that took place was anything but an unintended error that afflicted many different social media accounts of people of various races, ethnicities, and sexes.

microagressions and exhibition of white privilege need not be intentional. To deny this is to turn back the clock on all we have learned about such unintended consequences.

Lets agree to use this forum to achieve some good… to solve our nation’s problems. And an important first step is to recognize that a problem exists here in this very thread. If no more microaggressions or evidence of white privilege or the more overt deligitimization of these black women appears here, I will stay silent in this thread about racism.

deal? :slight_smile:

Say whatever you want, but as long as you are trying to inject race into a situation in which no evidence exists that race was a factor, I’ll keep calling you on it.

Where they discriminated against due to sexual orientation?

[quote=“Call_me_Ishmael, post:10, topic:100”]
I really take issue with this post. Not all black women are “crazies”.

Absolutely nothing set those women apart aside from the color of their skin. But progressive liberal Facebook staff had decided what black women were allowed to say and what they were NOT allowed to say. Just because these women failed to “kowtow to the old order” ( to use Clarence Thomas’ words), now comes the accusations to delegitimize them with the pejorative “crazy”. I object.
[/quote]So when the said Obama let Russia get the nuclear bomb that wasn’t a bit crazy?

They really said that?

DIAMOND: How she sold 20 percent of the uranium to Russia and now Russia have nuclear weapons. And you know that uranium is bomb-making material.

What discrimination is there? They were not blocked.

The “total interactions” metric covers the total number of reactions, comments, and shares of content posted to the page. Diamond and Silk’s Facebook page actually received more total interactions in March 2018 (1,088,000), when they were supposedly being censored, than in March 2017 (1,060,000). Diamond and Silk received more interactions in January 2018 (1,328,000), when they began complaining about censorship, than in any month the previous year. [1]

  1. Diamond and Silk’s Facebook censorship claim is a hoax – ThinkProgress

He knows. He’s been linked that exact data before.

He’s choosing to ignore it and is trying to continue to racebait.

websites don’t have to follow state public accommodation laws.

There’s a HUGE market for people of color who are have a total lack of character and are willing to parrot the right wingnut blather.

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So the cake bakers clearly should just sell via a web site. Once your order is complete if any of it is gay you never get to check out. Your cart just gets a big UNSAFE label and automatically empties. You would be OK with discrimination then, I take it?