Devin Nunes files suit against Twitter and "Devin Nunes Mom"

There is more to come. I can’t wait for the next edition.

Nunes on Monday evening warned that his litigation “is the first of many lawsuits that are coming,” arguing that Americans’ “First Amendment rights are at stake” because of Twitter’s actions.

“They spread this fake news and the slanderous news,” Nunes told host Sean Hannity

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Maybe it takes a courtroom to decide whether the Twitter platform is an equal opportunity platform that doesn’t prohibit one side vs another.

I see some people still don’t realize they are not guaranteed a voice on any social media platform, and their rights aren’t being violated because of it.

Waiting for the irrelevant Pruneyard case to be cited again in 3…2…1…

Trump supporters are SO persecuted…


Shhhhh… Don’t tell anyone…

maybe not but are you guaranteed to be treated applying the same rules?

So courts will now be involved in determining whether the rules are applied equally? Is this just for social media or will the be involved in playground disputes as well?


Yeah…should it apply to bakers who bake wedding cakes?

If you want a business license, learn the law…

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…and the laws are just now being determined on these new businesses…which is how this conversation started.

LOL… There is plenty of precedence already… You do realize this is a lawsuit for defamation, correct?

When you get spanked, that’s all that’s left. :sunglasses:

Willing to place a bet on dismissal?

Well when you argue disingenuously by cutting out relevant parts of people’s posts, it’s easy to believe you’re “spanking” people.

Shall we ask the courts to decide whether our moderators are modding fairly?

And as was pointed out, this is a defamation suit…rules of “fairness” aren’t going to be discussed.

That tossed a bucket of ice water on the virtue signal fiesta.


Twitter has too much freedom?

Since this isn’t what the lawsuit is about…it tossed nothing on nothing.

But thanks for playing!

Not really. It’s the same argument conservatives have been making for years now.

If you get enough idiots like Nunes together, you could break the internet. You’ve been warned.

Web content is already damaged beyond repair.

Nunes lawsuit has no merit.

Calling out and acting on the bias of social media is just beginning.

We used to think broadcast television made fools of the masses…What we see now being fed from social media is much worse.


Yet the entire “conservative” philosophy today is based on what people hear from the right wing media…broadcast and social.

Go figure…


“How is it possible that I can be attacked relentlessly, hundreds of times a day by fake accounts that they claim in their terms of service should not be there?” Nunes said. “So I guarantee you if I put something out that was sexually explicit or attacked someone personally, they would stop it. They would say this is a sensitive tweet. They never did that to any of the people that were coming after me or other conservatives.”

Hundreds of times a day? Something is wrong. That number should be higher. Let’s get to work. Besides, Nunes Mom and Nunes Cow aren’t bots; they’re real accounts.

Nunes is a total ■■■■■■■ moron, stooge, and garbage human being who doesn’t know how anything works. He makes Darrell Issa seem like a genius.