Desantis Protect Parental Rights in Education

Ever see a little kid that sees their teacher outside of class at say a grocery store for the first time? They are shocked their teachers even exist outside of the school context.


The supposed “trends” that supposedly required this “law” to address them were completely made up.

The signature case that Desantis used to sell the law was a lie.

That’s it in a nutshell. They want to indoctrinate them at a young age that being gay or transgender is simply “wonderful”.

You can bet your sweet bippy it is almost certainly already happening in some schools already or they wouldn’t be having such a duck fit about it. :roll_eyes:


I remember in 5th grade our teacher Mr. Domingo, he would also teach Tennis as part of our after school program which I was a part of. He had a short temper and would yell at the class if he got upset. Don’t blame him now looking back.

He had a girlfriend that would come around during lunch period. I remember the day Mr. Domingo stated he was now married he was happy.

That was pretty much the end of it, his now wife kept coming over and spending lunch.

You’re kidding, right?

You realize kids are going to get exposed to a lot of stuff long before their parents might want them to, right?

You’re telling me a person…whether a teacher or a student or whoever…should be quiet about who they are…not even make a mere mention of it…for fear there’s a parent out there that doesn’t want their child “knowing about it” yet.

If a parent wants to bubble wrap their child like this, I have a simple solution for them.

Home school them.

No…fighting for the right to be left alone from sexual deviants and freaks.


You just marginalized people right in this very post.


You want to be in that bubble…there are options for you.

They don’t include telling the rest of the public they need to suppress who they are to avoid offending you.

Amen to that! :+1:

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Not even hiding it anymore

Are they not sexual deviants and freaks?

And they don’t get to indoctrinate other people kids into their deviancy…is that being offensive?

BTW…I find you offensive. But we live in America.

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And neither are you…

Correct. I will never hide my support for LGBTQ+.

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They are not.

They are different. Like red heads, or left handed people.

Calling people that are different, freaks or deviants, like they are sub-human has a pretty grim history.

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The switch.

It’s not wasting tax payer money.

You sure don’t seem to have a problem using tax payer money to pay unqualified teachers to teach gender identity to kindergartners.


Recruitment of what?

This law prohibits neither of those things.

No they aren’t. You have been provided report after report.

There we go.

It is a right.

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