Desantis Protect Parental Rights in Education

Praying to what God? A Christian God? Well there’s an amendment for that.

Quote it please.

As a reminder, quote that I said CRT wasn’t created until the first book was published. Quote anything close to me saying that. I’m fine with horseshoe scoring.

What does it say?

You know what you said. You decide to be honest, I’ll come back.

I have NEVER said CRT didn’t exist until the first book was published. I did reference that book to educate you on what CRT was. CRT doesn’t stand for Conservative Rufo Theory


More white people.

In the classroom? Yes, I do. Parents can determine who their children are exposed to after school.

Edit to add:
If a child is asked to a sleepover by a friend with two “daddies” the parent can say yes or no. Any questions can be addressed by the parent.


They did and no…there really isn’t.

It’s nit the story told in the Imitation Game but it’s essentially the story I told.

To save time and trouble I’ll add our next four posts.

You “Yes there was”
Me “No there wasn’t”
You “Yes there was”
Me “No there wasn’t “.

Maybe there will be reference to a secret book or something only you have access to…:rofl:

No you do not care if someone mentions their hetero spouse or makes causal conversation about them.

Come on!

As you can see, I believe the discussion should be with the parents who know best how to address the situation.

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I can tell you why you and others don’t care.

Because such discussions about hetero couples have been going on in classrooms for decades (centuries, actually), and no one ever wanted to pass a law regulating those discussions.

Be honest.

Look at all this crittin’!

Can’t expose children to stuff like this. The horror…


Oh. NOW the thin end of the wedge and the camel’s nose under the tent are your concern. Hilarious!

I don’t recall any such conversations during elementary school. Quite frankly, no one was interested in the teachers’ personal lives.


Classic libauthoritarian


Well she is black so… must be CRT.

Doesn’t matter what you recall personally. Teachers have displayed pictures of their spouses or their kids wedding… or their grandkids. Teachers have talked about their spouse or wedding.

During every single one of my kids k-5 teacher orientations, the teachers shared one slide talking about them personally. How many kids they have, married, what they like etc.

Do you even have kids in k-6?

Your anecdote of course means it never has happened anywhere at any point in time.


Fact of the matter…it has.

And no hackles were raised…until “the other” started doing the same thing.

What was that you were saying? :rofl:

That you trying to recall what you or I heard at 5 doesn’t matter. I have kids in k-6 right now. No need to remember 40-50 years ago. Teachers share personal details about their lives right now.