Who should be honest here? I just looked up Brokeback Mountain and budget for film was $15,000,000 but grossed $180,000,000. Yeah, you should be honest with yourself…
So some actors want to quit some infested movie? That’s their choice. Quit crying.
I can’t quit you.
What happened to that movie that Hannity put out last year? Was it a blockbuster? I don’t remember.
Kevin Sorbo directed this crap? Lol!
Haha. Example A of people of color they latch onto because they happen to be “conservative”.
I had no idea he put one out.
Talked it up a lot on his radio show. Starred one of the D list " conservative" stars.
President threatens to throw journalists in prison for daring to question him, publicly attacks private businesses on a regular basis, demands NFL players be fired for not being patriotic enough : CRICKETS.
Actor decides to not be in a crappy movie that pushes an agenda of allowing the government to force women’s personal reproductive choices : FASCISM!
And “Deliverance”. He was good in that. Also “Coming Home”.
Kevin Sorbo directed this crap? Lol!
Wait. Hercules?
I liked Jon Voight in “Midnight Cowboy”
Voight was a great actor at one point.
His entire family was in the movie.
What in the world is a metrosexual trans movie?
He was also really good in The Champ.
Jon Voight
Yossarian: TommyLucchese: BornAgainChristian:Can’t wait to see it. Great actors, bound to be thought provoking
Yeah, Stacey Dash, that’s some heavyweight acting talent.
I liked Jon Voight in “Midnight Cowboy”
And “Deliverance”. He was good in that. Also “Coming Home”.
Great in Runaway Train too
President threatens to throw journalists in prison for daring to question him, publicly attacks private businesses on a regular basis, demands NFL players be fired for not being patriotic enough : CRICKETS.
Actor decides to not be in a crappy movie that pushes an agenda of allowing the government to force women’s personal reproductive choices : FASCISM!
Irony fail, you lied about Trump. He never did those things. Only in deranged leftist bizarro world is Trump a Nazi.
In reality, he’s a successful businessman in and out of media. And now our President.
Auto129:How is this fascism?
Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical authoritarian ultranationalism,[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce. -Wikipedia
libs are very selective in enforcing the economic version of the definition…
They pretend that they use the term correctly… until they don’t.
Dishonest. Losing brain cells from the effects of TDS. Libs.
many libs went to see it multiple times.
“You shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there. Maybe they shouldn’t be in the country,” -Orange Idiot