Dems to request Trump tax Returns

They are not the minority in the House where they are threatening to act like tyrants.

They are the minority in terms of power. They canā€™tr really do anything other than act as a check from the President acting like an actual tyrant.

Were the Republicans in charge of the Senate acting like tyrants in 2016 when they refused to hold hearings on the Presidentā€™s nominee?

ā€œUnexercised power is wasted power.ā€

Nothing more needs saying



Thatā€™s funny because I specifically remember you defending the GOP doing that

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Yes. Based on the Harry Reid precedent. You live by the sword of tyranny you die by the sword of tyranny.

Harry Reid was never president. He also didnā€™t set the precedent youā€™re thinking he did. Sure he talked a big game but that was just bluster. He never sat on a single supreme nomination

Probably not. Trump killed the GOP. Heā€™s attacked almost every group of people except for evangelicals.

Why? 10char

Obama was the first president to weaponize the IRSā€¦ I doubt heā€™ll be the lastā€¦

The President has been audited by the IRS for the last 12 years. What do you think they could have overlooked? Russians hiding in there perhaps?

Seems they missed a lot of illegal behavior when it came to Manafort.

Was Manafort ever audited by the IRS?

Yes. He was.

Let Pelosi and the gang try to get Trumpā€™s returns. They will find themselves trapped into appealing to the Supreme Court. Remember Gorsuch and Kavanaugh?


I wouldnā€™t count your SCOTUS rulings before they hatch.

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Pelosi said demanding Trumpā€™s tax returns would be one of the first things the party does if it won back a majority in the House. Maybe you should say the same thing to her.

Democrats will continue to prove just how dumb they are. They havenā€™t learned anything from their Kavanaugh debacle. Schumer acts like an idiot.

Word salad.

Republicans: always the victims.