Dems to request Trump tax Returns

Are you seriously trying to argue there is no “material difference” between the presidents requirements and the house ways and means requirements? Would you bet a bar card on it?

Sure thing, what is the material difference? Both branched can pull them. You seem to think having to state they they were pulled makes some sort of material difference, I am not seeing it. The only difference is, the President can be impeached if congress doesn’t like why he pulled them, the odds of that happening with a republican controlled Senate are slim and none.

i wonder how many condos Trump is paying for (to house his mistresses) and how many the First Lady knows about.

he’s not truthful so i’m guessing it’s probably 5-6 times what she knows about. and he’s such a crook he’s probably expenses all of them. for 50 years.

You’re right, he didnt sell his farm until after he was out of office.

Psst all that would be in his required public financial disclosures.

What legislative purpose would the Ways and Means Committee etc. possibly have with Trumps tax forms? They would use Trumps tax forms to help them write our tax laws?

A. Schumer, Feinstein, Pelosi…
B. Sources of income and deductions
C. 1995 to present
D. Conflict of interests

There, that wasn’t so hard. And now everybody can go crazy after every other politician of the opposite party.

I agree and as if there are issues that are discovered I want them dealt with as well. I don’t care what party they’re in, if they’re dirty they need to go.

Probable cause? That does exist in the statute.

Shall furnish? That does exist in the statute.


dont need a purpose.

“shall furnish”


LOL. The 4 stipulations make it materially different.


They have had that ability since 1924… Maybe all those “corrupt democrats” stories are just bunk…

didn’t have to do it with previous president since Ford, as they have all voluntarily turned over their tax returns.

The present one has not.

so the dems will do it the involuntary way and look at them in closed session.


No cause is needed.

it called congressional oversight.

If you dont like the law change it.

ohhhhhh you no longer have the votes…never mind.


Those financial disclosures aren’t audited and based on what we know about Trump, likely aren’t accurate.

This is a rich environment for a little oversight.

Decent article explaining the difference between the financial disclosures and tax returns

There is absolutely no way payments for apartments, etc. are included… The financial disclosurces report revenue, not profits and expenses…

Go look at them yourself…

You are wrong, but obviously it will take the Democrats to stupidly issue a subpoena demanding the tax returns to prove it to you. Personally, I hope they do. It will help bury them in 2020.

You did read the law, didn’t you?

They don’t have to subpoena, just request.

Shall furnish.


And? The IRS has the legal authority to look at your tax returns, but if they do it for political reasons, they’ll be in trouble as well. Congress might get away with pulling his tax returns that were filed in the time he was in office but going back farther than that, no way.