Democrats unseat Conservative Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin

There was another candidate who once did that about 4 years ago and it cost her an election, guess people still haven’t learned you can’t just rely on your base.


Indeed. A very apt analogy. And it appears there will be another candidate doing that again in 2020 as well. Following Kelly’s playbook from WI except on a national scale. We shall see if the results are different this time or not.

Winning Wisconsin by 100,000+ votes, 8 points, is big news.

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as should be the case with courts. elections politicize courts even more than politicians do. its bad enough that politicians and interest groups politicize nominations and sully the courts in the process, but to outright make judges politicians just seems stupid to me

It’s stupid to me too. That’s sadly how it’s become here.

The Republican Party provided Kelly with campaign office space and staff, there was zero separation there.

And you clipped the “never heard a peep from him.” That’s not true. He was all over local Republican talk radio and digital print. It would be like campaigning for national office and only going on Sean, Tucker, and Rush.

Other than those types of coddled interviews, he had no outreach or message.

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Considering trump won by 23,000 votes in 2016… yeah, its a pretty big deal. I would think dems in all those rust belt states that narrowly went to trump are going to be pretty energized come november.


Paul, Jill Karofsky is not a Russian lady.

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On the other hand, I think we’ve just actually found the Russia Hoax!


Or perhaps was he not allowed on or discouraged from using the leftist media? CNN won’t broadcast Trump’s briefings. Maybe the leftist media were making it hard for him to have a balanced presence there.
Does anyone know?

Imagine my shock!


What are the lessons (if any) that Trump and Trumpsters will take from this?

If you won the 2016 election based on strong support from suburban and rural districts and you repeatedly see suburbs trending blue and now you see rural districts turning blue, you may want to adjust your strategy.

If you look at Wisconsin, which Trump won by 26,000 votes and see the Democrats beat a Trump endorsed candidate by 120,000 votes, you need to question what steps you need to take to win Wisconsin, which is essential to a Republican “win the electoral college” strategy.

It does not matter how enthusiastic the crowds at your rallies are if you cannot win the larger group of voters.

Ah. The old “who can know? No one knows” white flag.

Trump takes no lessons. :joy_cat:

Not broadcasting an entire briefing is not the same as not providing any coverage.

Those briefings are campaign events for Donald Trump, largely irrelevant to the American people’s daily struggle with the coronavirus.

But there are strategists in the Republican Party who should be thinking about this.

Yes. He lost his last presidential race because he wouldn’t listen to the experts CNN likes… And he’ll lose this next one for the same reason. :roll_eyes:

So? Donald won’t change and what is left of the Republican Party has totally bent over and molded themselves into his shadow.