Democrats, the new "Confederates"

Why would the judge accept a guilty plea to something that wasn’t a crime?

The judges may do that in Russia… I think she forgot where she was posting. lol

Same writing style as well.

so what difference does it make, you joined in May

Unintelligent? Yeah, I noticed that as well… :wink:

Here’s her quote

He just responded with “Ok, I admit it” LOL

Ahem, Democrats can’t touch Trump, the only way he can be removed from office is if Republicans in the Senate allow it.

I thought there was a daily post limit for new users to avoid bots/trolls?

Ive been here for some time before that. Thats when I rejoined after they shut down the old forum. Some of us just found it odd, that the two of you are in here after just joining recently (you literally minutes ago) with the same posting style. Im just saying, you might get more mileage posting mems on Facebook or something… :wink:

Awesome. lol

Not aware of the previous incarnation of the site, I guess.

or a western European speaking English, at least not one of the romantic languages.

Trump invited the Clintons to several of his/family weddings. Does that make him a liberal too? Trump donated to John Kerrys election fund, does that make him a liberal.

I want to personally thank the OP for the best laugh I’ve had all week.

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That’s a filter bypass, there.

Here for a few minutes and you’re already calling those of us here long before you ■■■■■■■■■ Im laughing at the irony of you making that statement, and not even spelling ■■■■■■■ correctly. But you’re Russian, so I’ll give you a pass. lol

So are you also contending that jaywalking is a more serious crime than the election law felonies that Cohen plead guilty to?

Because the ■■■■■■■ can’t spell… lol

Was about to but her FB has MAGA hat selfies so uh…

Whoa…:hushed: This may support the notion that she is, in fact, a partner in Gulianni’s firm. lol

How many friends does it have?