Democrats Love Haley!

yah. we just catch you ignoring it. just like your media does. almost daily


I don’t think it’s a matter of lefties loving Haley as much as it is their seething hatred for Trump.

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pretty sure all Republicans did when she appointed Tim Scott too… such a lefty.

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Critprogs are using her to beat Trump. She will take their money and smile proudly. Sad.

She is former ambassador to the UN. Some people think she was SoS. :rolleyes:


She revealed how disloyal she is when she ran for President after saying she would never run against Trump.

The two left standing were both disloyal to Trump.

4/12/21 The Hill

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Monday that she would not mount a bid for the White House in 2024 should former President Trump decide to run again.

“I would not run if President Trump ran, and I would talk to him about it,”

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The dems and MIC people seem to like her. :roll_eyes:


Biden can slur 3 or 4 sentences together.

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Even while reading a huge teleprompter. :rofl:


It’s a sign of this culture that you either have to love someone/something, or hate it.

Haley is a good politician. She’s not the crit-lib that people say she is when you have to hate her.

I’d rather have her than Biden, if that were the options.

I wish she could be governor of my state.

I just see Trump leaning more to the political direction I want my president to be. And even with that, there are elements of Haley’s presidential campaigning that I prefer over Trump. It’s just that Trump embodies more of the political positions we need in this country.

“Democrats love Haley” because she’s their only hope of not having Trump as our next president. Were they re-polled if Haley were running against Biden, they would hate her. We saw that same dynamic with McCain a few cycles back.


Perhaps facts came to light that changed her mind, and those facts also made her think Trump didn’t deserve het loyalty…Seems like being disloyal to Trump is a hanging offense in todays GOP.


How can you trust anything else she says?


The good news is, after Haley’s two recent resounding election defeats and refusing to exit the primary election and put the Pary first, she has finally revealed she never embraced advancing the best interests of the Party and its supporters. In fact, by staying in the race she is interfering with the Republican Party focusing on the tyrannical Democrat Leadership’s policies destroying American from within, and working to making an appeal to democrat voters to take a chance on a Republican leadership to clean up the mess the current Democrat Leadership has put upon the people.

In actuality, Haley is now advancing the best interests of the Democrat Leadership by perpetuating and encouraging a destructive division in the Republican party rank-and-file voters.

I don’t know anyone who “hates” Haley but i for one see similarities between her Romney, and McCain.

I don’t vote for establishment Globalist (America Last) gop people like that.

As for the dems they support people in our party (temporarily) that they tend to agree with and that are easier to beat.

I couldn’t have voted for Christie either.


Agreed. When going into government work of any kind, your loyalty should be to the constitution - not an individual.

Plus it’s not like Trump shows much loyalty to those who work for him. One only has to look at Mike Pence to see how far Trump’s loyalty extends.

I kinda feel bad for her.

Looking forward to her warm and enthusiast endorsement of Trump.

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You’d rather have someone that sticks to their position regardless of new information that makes that position wrong/ill-advised?

They still think he colluded with the Russians. :rofl:

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I sure wish these rinos would head over to the democrat party. That’s the place for open border neocons.