Democrats do want open borders, regardless of what the NYT and others are saying

How many Turka are hard core Muslims?

define “hard core”. Erdoğan would like a caliphate if he could pull it off.

Cool. Now how many are border line terrorists. Or let’s go further as a percentage how many Turks are terrorists.

now wait a minute. Many Turks are terrorists. It’s in their blood. They just go nuts sometimes if they don’t have enough to do. But not so many are radical Muslim terrorists.

I forget why this is relevant.

It’s relevant because you have no idea how many of the South Americans, say Salvadorians the ones who are coming over are Sociañists

Now you actually made a point. A good point regarding maturite socialist countries and that may be the Cubans are different. Some may be but again you have no idea how many. All you have are assumptions. That’s about it

ok. so the free cheese people may not be ideologically socialist when they cross the border. But once here -as I said - they will quickly find that they are the beneficiaries of welfare, “safety net” programs. Everything free! How long do you think it takes for a man or woman become a socialist when they are on the receiving end of such an economic ideology?

sweet Jesus. The socialism part is just red herring. Let me rephrase. You have no clue how many of them want freebies and only come here for freebies.

We dont have an edit button because our mods decided to break it for funs

No its because we can’t have nice things. :joy:

do you, perchance, have a role in the legal representation of illegal immigrants?

I don’t. Also I am a legal immigrant from back in the day.

yeah. so was my grandfather.

Legal. Most of us welcome peaceful legal immigrants .

And there is a component of the left that believes Open Borders should be the legal law of the US.

According to the Harvard/Harris poll its a fairly big component wanting open borders in the democrat party 53%.

and if they reworded it to sound more controlled but virtually a noncontested entry into the US… it would be 90%.

“Do you support providing a mother and her child, who have lived a life in poverty in a Latin American country, an opportunity to live in the United States where she may find self worth, medical care, food, education, and protection?”

Yeah maybe…havent seen it

Latinos went about 60/20 for Hillary. The only republican to pull greater than 40% of the Hispanic vote since records have been kept is Bush who picked up 44%.

Not all Hispanics are Latino’s and the latino vote tends to run even higher in favor of democrats.

Democrats depend on the dependent and of course the poor and ignorant illegals that flood the country fit very comfortable into that category. Democrats are always targeting minorities and especially Hispanics/Latino’s over the last couple of decades with all sorts of freebies, preferences, and welfare. That’s simply reality.

Of course once “immigrant families” make it into the middle class or become wealthy, they vote more and more Republican because they begin to see the cost in their take home pay and they realize that accomplishment doesn’t come from handouts, it comes from hard word, dedication, and self discipline.


Hispanics/Latinos are the fastest growing race/ethnic group in the country and democrats have been targeting them specifically for just that reason. They realize their only hope now of ever turning states like Texas blue is to flood the state with illegals counting on their kids to vote democratic period and for the parents themselves to do so if/when they manage to push though amnesty for the illegals.

I don’t know who you think you’re kidding but there are no facts that support your contention.

Good lord man the democrats have been pushing for amnesty for illegals now since 2004 at least, pull your head out of the sand and look around you.

DACA was specifically designed to legalize millions of illegal ‘kids’ and adults who came here as kids specifically as a temporary measure while they push through amnesty as part of “comprehensive immigration reform”.

You apparently haven’t got a clue what’s gong on around you or in your own party so try learning something before mouthing off with baseless accusations.

What point are you trying to make and which of those 6 links makes that point?