Democrats creating communities that are worse than Afghanistan!

I’m sure that’s a part of it. No doubt a lot of these leftist utopias have these hippy, “anything goes” types of churches. I imagine the pastor being a white dude with dreads sporting a “Jesus is my homeboy” t-shirt.

The hole I am from has a crime rate of 139 times higher than Madison, WI. I did the maths and everything 10 murders/non-negligent homicides in 2021 in Madison, 21 in Erie, PA.

I done did the maths and everything as those were actual numbers and not rates. :wink:

Uh, Texas is a state.

Very good! You get a cookie!


This should probably go in the Thug thread as well…because that is what these little pukes are:

Probably in Afghanistan they’d be hunted down like the rabid animals that they are. @SixFoot could probably speak to this better than I…

total crime is DOWN 6.3% is SF this year.

dont let those facts destroy your narrative.


Afghanistan has several rape cultures of their own, including one of punishment.

Story time…

One day, Mr.s Teddy (Teddy from our platoon’s wife, she worked in Admin back at the FOB) was walking from her office back to her tent when she passed by an Afghan soldier walking the other way. When they passed each other, he thought it would be OK or funny or whatever to grab a handful of her ass.

Well, Mrs. Teddy’s dad was a journeyman boxer, and she leveled that dude out, stood over him, held him by the scruff of his neck and shouted so loud in his face that his commander came out of a nearby building to see what the heck was going on.

When the commander realized a sexual assault just happened, that guy was immediately stripped of his uniform and weapon, right in front of everyone. They (his fellow soldiers) beat his ass, right in front of everyone. Then they dragged his limp body back to their building, where his entire platoon proceeded to pull a rape train on him while he waited for his family to come get him the next day. You know how many dozens of people are in a platoon?

His family brought a ■■■■■■■ gallows with them, and executed him right outside the FOB for dishonoring the family, in front of everyone (Mrs. Teddy has a confirmed kill without ever firing a shot).

You can recap everything that dude went through for grabbing a foreign woman’s butt, so there’s no need to imagine what they would do to someone preying on their women.

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We’ve had these discussions about crime stats before. If a Democrat city decriminalizes behaviors that in the past or in locations elsewhere are deemed to be criminal, that city will APPEAR to have a lower crime rate. But it’s a mirage. The destructive behavior is still there; progs simply say it’s not a crime or they reduce policing so that fewer criminals are caught and people no longer report out of fear or apathy.

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Wow. Anyone who thought they could get away with doing something like that in the future will no doubt keep their hands where they belong.

Too bad we can’t ship all of our little thugs to places like that. :wink:

Hell no, it’d be far more human to euthanize the more feral ones. To hell with everything about Trashcanistan.

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Beware San Fran

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Looks like a creepy horror movie doll.


Easy for crime to go down when people just don’t report it because the cops won’t show up.


And yet another Dimbulbcrat who campaigned on supporting a school voucher program to help low income students will line item vetoes the earmarked $100 million from the PA budget. Dims sure love keeping ‘po folks from a good education? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I’m guessing there are maybe a few pissed in the minority community? But they’ll vote again for the Dims. They just can’t help themselves.
These are the same people that sent a cabbage for a brain Festerman to the US Senate. :rofl:


It will get worse not better over time. The marxists are there to stay. Kalifornia is edging away from a middle class and the elitists know a dependent class gives them power. They’ve enacted laws to enable crime. They have neither the resources or the will to rescind the crime enabling laws and will never give law enforcement the power to enforce common sense laws for a return to a law and order society. They provide drug addicts convenience to remain addicted and implement “minimal” theft values on crime when addicts steal. But mental and drug addiction treatments aren’t considered? Some areas of San Francisco and LA look like scenes of “The Walking Dead”! Kalifornia is a ■■■■ hole of their own making.
■■■■ em

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I would assume things like this are not counted as crime by Leftists but rather as a sport for certain youth:

Just a variation on the game of baseball. :man_shrugging:

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They have to trash it so’s they can Build Back Better to fulfill Brandon’s campaign promise.

Overall, crime stats are down. Cons scream Crime wave! Worst it has ever been!

For 3 years , Cons still claim election stolen. with zero proof, and multiple failed court cases.

For 2 years , after multiple convictions, cons still claim Jan 6 was a small protest that got a little out of hand.

Cons scream, look at the debt! Then they lower taxes on corps and the wealthy which add trillions to the debt. (lower tax rates creates less tax revenue…it is called math)

Cons try to hide these facts, by creating moral panics, that do not exist.

Wake up cons!

where did i say no crime, just that crime went down in San Fransisco this year.

doesnt fit your crime is bad in San Fransisco narrative.

if you want a crime filled city, try the murder rate in Jacksonville on for size.


The level of denial has reached new levels which would be fine but people are being victimized.

This article

A few paragraphs down comes the denial/excuse

A council member in San Fran blamed covid lockdowns.

“I think, what happened with kids not being in school, I think there may be something going on with that, that we’re going to be experiencing for a while,” he said.“

Ya I mean I can relate I remember being off from school and the first thing that came to mind was to brain some lady pushing a baby stroller with a baseball bat.
