Democrats claim election fraud in N.Y. , charge Trump with sedition for doing same

I understand.

No they didn’t

Yes this mostly correct… not thousands

I don’t know… where are the tweets saying “Stop the steal” “Republicans stole it from us” “We have to go to the Capitol and fight!”

Where are the quotes from Dems in this race saying the election was stolen from them?

Not sure how Trump being impeached has anything to do with this case?

Almost your entire OP was misinformation.

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“Fight Like Hell because if you don’t there will be no country left”

Sounds peaceful as the fourth of July.


The OP is almost completely misinformation. OP claims the Dems are alleging a stolen election. They aren’t.

Such small, small thinking.

What do you think might happen when you repeatedly tell your supporters that Evil Deep State Forces conspired to steal the election?

And when you and your surrogates are using words like “Trial by Combat”?

If that’s not enough, we have recordings of many of the rioters themselves stating that they believed they were following Trump’s orders.

But at any rate, this wasn’t the point of my post,

The point was the false equivalence you made in your post as to what Brindisi did v what Trump did.

They are in no ways similar…but you knew that.

Sounds like any politician telling their supporters to fight like hell…or bring a gun to a knife fight…or get in their faces…or surround them while they are eating and tell them they are not welcome.
Or :“target” the opposition.


As always you miss the point…

Claiming that a machine failed without explaining how it failed? Tsk, tsk.

“We don’t like the outcome, we want to count with a less reliable method!”

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Someone should pass that idea along to those now “threatening our democracy” (to be consistent) with their election claims.

True, while not the same I do wonder if there are issues in the future will they be dismissed automatically or will at some point will they be actually looked into.

You repeatedly told Sneaky to read the complaint stating the info he was asking for was in the complaint. It wasn’t, so why keep telling him to look when the info he was asking about was not in the report.

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Of course it will. They have impugned the reliability of a machine without a root cause.

Until it is addressed, the machine reliability will be doubted as long as it is used.

Might as well not use the machine at all and just hand count them and accept the human factor.

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It is pretty funny how some are really grasping at straws to try to make what Trump did okay.

Because the complaint is the only thing to go off of.

It is what they allege.

Seems like they lost.

The world moves on

Who? I am certainly not.

Election boards usually audit their elections every year.

Machines are usually tested every year to make sure they didn’t go out of spec.

Those are the things that can be fixed and are fixed, year after year.

We simply weren’t as aware of it as we are now because we never had a major candidate so wantonly attack the system of elections, and in the process poison the minds of so many people, simply because he couldn’t accept defeat.

That people believe so many things without evidence simply because it tickles their ears is the problem.

That isn’t so easily fixable.

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In the original complaint they did a few hand counts where the hand counted number did not match the machine counted number.

So they may not have been able to say which component failed in the machine to make it miscount. However they proved it miscounted.

I don’t need to know what part in my engine failed in order to know that the car won’t start.

auditing a close election is not the same thing as suggesting you won by 10 million votes.

Meaningless. Machines do not “go out of spec” when they are not operating and absent some change.

That is not why they are tested.