Democratic Circular Firing Squad Continues

This is just too much fun to watch.

The infighting has already begun anew! Biden ally John Kasic just told progressives they almost cost Biden the election…and you should hear the fur fly from the progressives in response.

Should be a fun 4 years of internal gridlock.


Yes Republicans should be telling Democrats what their agenda should be.

Why am I saying this?

The conservative agenda rules the nation’s political discourse, despite them trying to pretend it doesn’t.


House goes red in 2022. :wink:


Yes, full hammer and sickle red.


That’s a cute fantasy. Never stop dreaming. :wink:


That’s ok. At least this is a fight over policy and not dumb ■■■■ like masks and crowd size. Toss them peanuts.


Very cute, like AOC, which your side can never stop dreaming about.

AOC has an ego the size of the grand canyon. Gonna be fun watching Joey trying to reign her in long enough to get anything done.

If anything, I’m betting those two will be butting heads a lot.

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Yeah, I don’t really see that from her. The bar for an ‘ego’ has been set VERY high recently.

Maybe it’s because she doesn’t give a ■■■■ about what people think about her that gives you that impression.


Well she was in this very controversial dancing video!



I don’t think AOC will be the impediment to getting anything done that he will have to worry about.

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With all due respect, Kasich was so lauded by Democrats as a “sane” Republican that they invited him to speak at their convention. This story is an entirely predictable outcome that serves as an object lesson as to why it’s simply not possible to deal with Democrats in good faith.


angramainyu I know you mean well and while I don’t particularly like the far left your ok. That being said now that the election is over listen to the language over the next few months of Biden, he will distance himself from the left, he has to if they want a chance at Georgia’s senate races.

Bernie and his supporters best outcome would have been if Trump would’ve won and you could have ran a real progressive against the next republican probably Pence and easy target. You could have also rightfully said we need a populist you guys keep running these establishment politicians and losing. Now they can dismiss you and I know how that feels because my first political movement as a youngster was the Ron Paul revolution which lost and I personally knew after that conservatism was dead on the national stage, The establishment gave us the same old crap that they gave Bernie supporters on how he would lose on the national stage.

This wasn’t a win for progressives, you can prove me wrong later he will do his best to try and win back the working class as well as increase white women suburban voters if they are to expand their base if they do that that’s it for progressives. I always from here on out want to see a populist win whether on the right or left much more fun.

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I hear you. We’ve been at each other’s throats for since 2016 (in the Dem party). That’s not going to change. Biden has consistently distanced himself from us and our platform, so that’s nothing new for me.

I just want to understand how the new strategy of “the Dems are split!” Is going to run at the same time as “Biden is socialism! Look out for Kamala!”. It’s literally contradictory.

This appears to just be ■■■■ stirring to me. Back to politics as normal, I suppose.

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You really think that contradictory stories are an impediment to today’s right and the CEC?

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However until 2023…dems rule the roost.


To be fair, the story linked doesn’t actually mention a split - it’s a rebuke of John Kasich by the Democrats. He was stupid to expect that they’d actually continue to listen to him.

I could be wrong obviously But I think he will distance himself when he takes office and move towards the center because the margins were so close these people are always in running for office mode and where does he need to pick up votes it’s not the black votes he knows he has them, that leaves white suburban voters, working class, and maybe increase Latino support.

The far left will be looked at like the libertarians are in our party just a nuisance, but they didn’t do any harm so let them rattle around but don’t give them anything.

I agree with Kasich, but I’m a moderate Democrat.

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