DEI is DOA = Dead on Arrival of the new Trump administration

Trump just signed an executive order that ends the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs for the federal government.

Is this the beginning for DEI programs for both government and private corporations?

Trump also reportedly rescinded the affirmative action program for the federal government dating from the Johnson administration and has ordered US government offices and embassies to fly only the US flag.


Oh dear, that’s going to ruffle some feathers :rofl:

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Expect confusion as people in foreign countries have to find the American embassy without a giant pride flag flying above all others.

Sad part they’re getting paid leave…that’s some serious ■■■■■■■■ IMO.

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That is another battle. Trump claims that as the president has the constitutional authority to remove federal workers.

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If they got fired, there would be lawsuits a go go.

One more form of bigotry defeated. Thanks, Mr. President!


You need to update. Everybody is canceling the cancelers.


Saw the headlines this morning.



From the linked title. :point_up:

I will never stop seeing “OPM” as an acronym for “Other People’s Money”.

(Sorry for the rathole.)


Don’t get in the way of whatever it takes to get them outta there.

I once paid a deadbeat tenant $500 to get out by the end of the month. In the long run it was well worth it.


This is kind of a sad day. It’s one of those things where all this hatred was focused on something that most of the people who hate it don’t even know what DEI is. I work at a university and our DEI people are not federally funded but they are freaking out a bit. Understandably. It’s sad.

Trump is Cool!

You are sad that only the qualifications and character of individuals will be considered, without considering their race, creed, national ancestry or sexual preferences.


No I’m sad that people who hate DEI don’t actually know what DEI really is, for a lot of them.

I find just the opposite. People do know what DEI is about and they want no part of it. And of course, the msm is fully on board. I refuse to read beyond the word “they” in any article referring to a single individual, so as not to offend. A single individual is biologically either he or she. I refuse to play the DEI game telling me how I should address someone, so as not to offend them.


We have been reading all about it for a couple of years now. We have seen the policy letters, the training slides, the mandates. We know it for exactly what it is, a preference based system, in direct violation of the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act.


This is the sad part. So much hate.

I put the unemployed DEI workers in the same category as people who lost their jobs enforcing the Virginia Racial Integrity Act when it was repealed. Discrimination based on race is, at best, misguided no matter what the pretext is.


No hate. I just refuse to toe the DEI line. :wink: