DEI and ATC discussion

I’m going to agree with you. I also just read ATCers were exempt from the offer even though the offer did not say that and they sent it to ATCers.

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For the third time, I never once BLAMED trump for anything. I was asking about the wisdom of trying to cull the ATC herd.

No, just the losers.

Forgive me for what?

So they used black.

Same thing as with the military.

That didn’t hurt now did it?

Which didn’t happen.

Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!

For not voting for him.

:rofl: You think I give a rat’s ass?

You feel Kamala will forgive you?

You sure post like you do!

Did he make you hall monitor yet?

Is that really the best you can do?

What has Kamala made yo…oh sorry.

Yet we seem to be able to find budget supplements for any stupid thing and whim. If they had 900 additional qualified, which would have gone a long way towards reducing the shortage, why didn’t they ask for a supplemental? Instead of using identity to disqualify any otherwise qualified applicant.


Back to junior high food fighting are we?

I don’t know that they didn’t ask. Do you?

Budgets hasn’t been exactly a strong suit of our congress for the last few decades.

We need to find out if a request was made. This department fell under Mayor Pete, he should be asked if a supplemental authorization was requested under his watch to train an additional 900 identified, qualified applicants.

Maybe, but perhaps we should wait for the NTSB report to come out. If over worked, understaffed ATC is IDed as a problem, then sure. But if it’s something else, maybe not.

I think we can walk and chew gum at the same time on this issue. The shortage didn’t go away the day after the crash.

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Black Hawk flying above approved altitude.

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